July 11, 2008

I'm Ready to Blog........

I have been working on customizing my blog for what seems likes months now....never finding the time to give it the time it truly deserves, but always enjoying reading what other's write.

I am finally here, yet I don't know where to start. Maybe just to tell you what I want to do as time goes by. I hope to share the events of my wonderful retail store in Arlington, Texas......it's challenges and it's growing pains so as to encourage other women that they can have their very own business, both online and storefront. The incredible treasures I find along the way....and the journey in finding them as well. I hope to share my successes whether they be personal or professional, as I find they are really the same, aren't they?

You will find my love of animals outshines my love of antiques, and my love of family outshines them all. My only child has married this month for the very first time and she hopes to start a family right away so there will be many changes in our lives before too long.

I hope to share my creative ventures with you as my head is so full of ideas I think it will sometimes burst. I, like others, struggle with time constraints of doing all I want and am afraid I will run out of time before I run out of ideas. Perhaps by simply sharing what I want to do it will somehow feel as though I have completed that project and can move on to others. I have long believed you do not have to spend a lot of money to live beautifully.....simply to see the beauty in those things around you and know where to shop!

I will leave you with one of my very favorite quotes from someone I'm sure was very profound, I just don't know who.

"Give without remembering and take without forgetting"

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