December 24, 2008

Merry, Merry Christmas Ya'll......

It is always a surprise to me when Christmas seems to come so quickly. It seems that Halloween is no sooner gone than the tree is up and the shopping begins! I was quite pleased this year when my grown daughter announced she wanted one each of the "things" I make under my Heart & Soul trademark. This includes the large tapestry purse, the Victorian sweater, and various jewlery pieces. I was surprised because, simply stated.....she is the Princess of Louis Vuitton and everything it stands for and represents in her life. It's not to say she is a snob by any sense of the imagination....she just loves them. In her defense....she grew up with me making things and has always admired my talent, just being accustomed to it and being able to have these things whenever she wanted. With the store, my lack of time, and the demand for these items she has been forced to the bottom of the list, and quite frankly, doesn't like it much.

I was deeply touched that she equated my items with her "finer" things and would be pleased and proud to own them. Any one that knows my daughter and myself realize what an incredible relationship we have....I tell her she is my heartbeat because she is. So take a peek at a couple of Krissi's presents....I think she is going to be very surprised.....I hope so because they were made "just for her". I love you Babygirl.....Merry Christmas!

December 9, 2008

I've Never Met a Piece of Old Lace I Didn't Love.....

Anyone that knows me very well realizes just how very much I love old linens and lace.....they are so undervalued for the workmanship and beauty. BUT, what do you do with drawers and drawers of this stuff, other than take it out and admire it.
Because I believe in repurposing all that I can, I firmly believe that everything can be reinvented to be appreciated in another form for years and years to come....hence my Bohemian Victorian sweaters. I created my very first last spring and had such a huge reaction to it that I thought I would make them for my shop. With that thought in mind, I started the creative process on my mannequin in the store and simply sewed and created inbetween customers. They were all automatically drawn to the "new project" and I found that I sold them before I had even finished one. I am now to the point where I simply fill special orders with some customers choosing to pick out their own lace from my "stash". I am always left with creative control and have never had even two closely resemble one another.
I am fortunate enough to not be able to keep up with the demand and was even flattered beyond belief when an upscale boutique in Fort Worth wanted to actually carry them. However, I so want to have a rack in the shop for anyone to simply come in and choose from.....that is definitely my goal for the future and one I am going to diligently work toward accomplishing. Until then, I will make them individually and watch as they walk out the door without even staying around long enough for me to complete the detachment process. It is hard to let my favorites linens and laces "go", but to see them appreciated in a different, beautiful way is reward enough.......want a sweater......just let me know and please be willing to wait :)