January 2, 2009

May the New Year be Shiney & Bright!

As I start out the new year I firstly give thanks for the year that has been. Although it has not been an easy one in many different ways, I still have so many things to be grateful for. After several serious health issues, my little 82 year old Mama's health is very good.....My only child was married this past summer and is deliriously happy....My husband has not abandoned me, although I give him reason on a regular basis as I go too fast at all times with all things :)......and last, but not least, my daughter is also expecting. Although this does not seem like any great accomplishment in this world today, I can tell you from a stand point of not being able to have children myself that this should never, never be taken for granted. I remember when she was such a small thing curled up in my lap, telling me that when she grew up she would have us "lots of babies"......and here we go!

I plan on making personal changes during the upcoming year....hoping to somehow make my life easier if that is at all possible. My first step is to accept the color "blue"...as I have never been a fan. Perhaps this will open my mind and let other good things inside.....I figured it won't hurt :). I also hope to be more spontaneous as I know I am very set in my habits and that definitely curtails the learning curve. I will become more healthly and to speak Spanish.....I really would like to know what they are saying about me in all those thrift stores I visit....

I will be more patient....I will smile more.....I will give more.....I will design more....I will make more time for the things I love.....but most importantly....

I will be the best Gammy EVER! Here's wishing you the very best in the year to come.....I think it is time.

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