January 27, 2009

The Romance of Antique Velvet....

Some momths ago a friend of mine called to say he had found an old suitcase on the curb....I told him that I was "proud of him" and laughed not knowing where this was going. He then told me it was stuffed full of antique velvet fabric.....some torn antique clothing and some just remnants of fabric and clothing........of course, he knows I always see something in anything and asked if I wanted it. Not knowing "what" I would do with it, just knowing I couldn't wait to touch it, I enthusiastically told him "yes". Below are some of the directions this gorgeous fabric has gone.....beautiful roses on vintage bags and even on newer woven ones creating the ultimate in romance. Most of the roses are small in size, but being a Texas girl, I just had to take it over the top with my big pink beauty.........I am so lucky to have friends that "get me" and make sure things come my direction.......thank you, Tim!

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