April 27, 2009

It's Really the Simple Things I Love....

Although I don't share alot of my personal side, I would like to take you on a tour of my backyard as it is where I find balance and inner peace after a long day.....I hope you enjoy the view....

1 comment:

  1. So glad you poped over to visit. I have been working my "day job" these last two weeks. Doesn't leave much time to create!!!!! And I need to get busy for the SALE! But, it is hard to turn down CASH! You know, that is how you finace Magnolia Pearl Jackets! :) I haven't talked to Pat in days. Last time I did she was pulling stuff out for the Sale. Love your yard!!! How clever to put a bowling ball in that stand instead of the typical gazing ball. Your pool is beautiful! We had one before we moved here. I miss it but, "honey" doesn't miss the upkeeep. Have a great week.


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