April 10, 2009

May Your Day be Filled with Friends, Family, Laughter & Love....

1 comment:

  1. Jana, I had such FUN at the store & seeing you again. It is indeed a small world. Who would have thought that through Pat I would find you again. When she said Janna & started a=talking about you & I started questioning her... I knew it was you. I told her "she painted the clouds in my baby boutique". How funny! And I am so in love with my new jacket that you have created for me. Don't stress out about the adding of length of the sleeves because I know the SALE is on the front burner! Just give me a jingle when it's done. And count me in on being at the sale! And in the next one. Have a great week.


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.