April 28, 2009

Still More Additions to the Trade Days Sale...

old cheese boxes and vintage prints make the best storage containers....


  1. These are cheese boxes? Wow! I wish that I had your talent!

  2. Hi Jana~
    I've been under the weather for a while. Went to the doctor yesterday, got some pills so maybe I'll be okay in a day or two. I'll try to get by either Fri. or Sat. Looking forward to the flea market.

  3. I talked with Pat the day before yesterday... And as she told you here she has not been feeling well. I have been having trouble too with allergies, sinus infection & asthma. I did work on some "faries" for the sale today. I don't know how many goodies I will have rounded up but, am looking forward to it. Hope the weather clears up. Have a great Saturday.

  4. Hi! I am a new follower. Love your pets! Love your backyard! And, I've died and gone to heaven looking at your shop pictures! Great blog!


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