May 30, 2009


It goes without saying that we are all just passing this stuff around.......and all of the beautiful things Carolyn Hilliard of "Then and Now" brought in this weekend to set up her new booth in the store just further reinforces my belief in this theory. From antique tole rose chandeliers to vintage linens and pictures, her booth is a 'for sure' piece of EYE CANDY. My only concern is that I love it ALL and will feel the need to "make it mine". A good deal for them, but Mercy Me, I don't need more..........I am so excited with the beauty and energy Carolyn brings and can't wait for the Open House in July for all of you to meet her we say....."She's Got the Touch". Welcome, Carolyn.....I look forward to a long and wonderful relationship.....

xoxo, jana

1 comment:

  1. LOL! its sooo hard to resist things that we love..I have that problem when I fix a piece of furniture, or buy a beautiful piece of linen....I want to keep it foR myself!


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