May 23, 2009

Moving Right Along.....

As I further prepare the store for Lisa of "Tattered & Tarnished" and Carolyn of "Then & Again" to finish their booths inside the store, I am forced to move alot more of my inventory around to make sure they have adequate space. I am so pleased with the work and effort going into making their spaces so wonderfully unique and absolutely gorgeous. An official open house will be held once everything is in place......I am so honored to have them be a part of my store and mini-mall. There are two spaces left for rent within the store.......come check me just might be surprised!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jana,
    Thank you for coming by to visit my blog and entering my giveaway - I shall let you know if you win!
    I have enjoyed my visit here at your blog - very pretty!


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.