June 30, 2009

It's Back to Business & It's a Twofer......

I have been cleaning...and cleaning some more, getting ready for the open house on July 18th and just trying to get more organized in general. I have a habit...good or bad.....of tearing all the wonderful ideas I come across out of the magazines I choose not to keep. I tuck them safely in a folder and keep it in my art area. Well, needless to say....that is where it generally stays, never to been looked at again. I mean, who really has the time to go BACK to a project when there are so very many right here in my "face". When I was filing and cleaning, I came across this project that was so incredibly easy and wonderful that I wondered why I had not completed it before. I had all the elements in various areas and simply needed to combine them for these beautiful table mirrors. Simply said, you combine a vanity mirror (I like the flat framed ones best but the others work too) with an ornate vintage or antique lamp base and it's DONE. A little height makes such a huge difference and gives these mirrors such importance. They are now perfect for special desserts at any event or look gorgeous with perfume bottles or anything you want to elevate. Look for those ugly lamps with the beautiful gold bases that you come across for $2.....combine with a $10 frame and you have an accent piece that looks like $50......have fun!
NOW, for the twofer.......I am closed on Mondays and finally took the time to visit Maureen at Cottage Panache in North Richland Hills, Texas for the very first time. We have blogged each other and I continued to hear such wonderful things about her and her shop, that I just had to make the trip over there. If you have not visited her store due to location, you can always check her blog at http://www.cottagepanacheantiques.blogspot.com/ or her website at http://www.cottagepanacheantiques.com/ for a quick fix.....and some wonderful ideas. I know I made note of a few and are putting them together this very afternoon (thanks, Maureen). Her store is stuffed full of wonderful treasures that were so very hard to resist. I did pick up one of my little mirrors for the project above when I was there! Do yourself a favor and check her out!


  1. Jana, you are so sweet to make mention of my shop and I so enjoyed our visit. Glad to see the mirror is working out for you. You are a doll!

  2. Maureen...you are so welcome....it's all about karma. You get back what you give in life :)

  3. Hi Jana :) Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my new blog. I meant to come on here and thank you and 20 min. later I am still looking at the pictures and reading your beautiful blog! I am so glad you visited me because now I have your blog to visit too! BTW you have a beautiful family, your daughter is gorgeous, and so are you, your grandbebe will have no recourse but to be gorgeous too! :) Again thank you and now I am back to looking at your beautiful blog and I added you to my fav. as soon as I get the following thing down I will do that too :) Take care...Rose

  4. Jana, 1 more thing, thank you for sharing this great idea on your blog, I knew when I bought those lamp bases I would one day have a use for them! :) Rose


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