July 8, 2009

"I Love Me Some Buttons"

I have loved buttons since I was a little girl. Like most of you that grew up when I did, I can remember playing with a jar of buttons at my Grandmother's house or under the ironing board as my Mother ironed the weekly pillowcases. Nothing would keep me busier than that old glass powder container that had the elephant on top. My litte Mama still has that container with her miscellaneous buttons inside. She told me to take it because I was so very fond of it....or maybe it was the memory I really liked, but I couldn't. I feel very strongly that it is still hers, and when she is "through" with it, it will be mine. I did, however, come across the same container, only with a donkey on top, and I bought it. I found out this was an old piece of glass made by the Jeannette Company and the elephant and donkey were a political thing.....still I love it. My obsession with buttons has grown over the years as you can clearly see. I don't discriminate.....I love them all......pretty or ugly, or inbetween, I love buttons. Although I have them in my store, they are actually just for display. Customers look longingly behind the counter wanting to get to them, but I can't share......I just can't. Sometimes I let certain people go through them, and I have to confess, my heart starts to beat just a little faster when I see them carelessly pushing my buttons around.........maybe it is a bit eccentric.....or maybe it is ALOT eccentric, but you just can't help the way you feel about things. I just adore having them around and the beautiful memory they evoke each and every time I see them. . Button, button, whose got the button........I think that would be ME.

still more.......

and my stash of beautiful antique mother of pearl buttons....


  1. I love buttons, too! Also vintage jewelry!
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos...great collection! Sharon

  2. I love all your buttons and the jars you have them in. They look very neat in those jars.
    I hope to see you tomorrow. Trying to get everything ready for the sale Sat.

  3. I have a button thing too!!...I collect mostly all shades of white and cream buttons...have lots of jars or spread them on a table display..I hate parting with any of them..You have a very impressive collection and don't they look great in jars??? Just makes you smile to see them! have a great day1 Marlene

  4. I SO ENVY YOUR STASH!!!!! But, you already know that. We have already discussed that!!!!! I am wokring on mine but, am light years behind you. As a child that was one of my favorite memories too. Playing in Grnadmothers buttons. One day my mother came to get me & saw me (about 2 years old) playing in Grandmothers buttons. She freaked out & said "OH MOM she is going to choke on those" My sweet Grandmother chuckled & said "now Sis she has played with them forever & never out one in her mouth". See... we knew! Question for you... Will Sterling play in your buttons? :) I miss you. Hope to get over there this week sometime!

  5. Sweet, sweet, Charlene.......LOL.....my baby Sterling will have a glue gun in one hand and buttons in the other....we are simply going to bypass the pacifier and go straight to mixed media art.........see you soon...Pat was just here and we talked about you....your ears must be burning.........xo jana


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