July 23, 2009

Where Bloggers Create....A Look at my Studio & A Party

When I came across Karen's beautiful blog at My Desert Cottage, http://mydesertcottage.blogspot.com I was so inspired. As I read through her posts I saw she was hosting a "Where Bloggers Create" party on July 24th asking any and all that wanted to participate to jump right in and post and show their studios or work areas. Because I am fortunate enough to have a large area within my store, I knew I had to be part of the show and tell fun. Also, because a group of wonderfully talented women and myself have just this past weekend formed an Art Group to meet once a month using my store studio as our creating place, I knew this would be the opportune time to share what we are going to do as well as show my space. Our very first project is to ceate our own personal stool for around the table.....I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with as I know they are all going to be so very different.
The table is quite large and will accommodate up to ten people. The fabric skirts hide all my antique lamp parts, while the white armoire stores all of my paints and brushes. The shelves along the back wall handle my mixed media papers and supplies as well as my jewelry making supplies and anything else I get myself into. The table serves me very well for the outside work I do for people such as rewiring lamps, painting, and recovering small pieces of furnitures. The only problem I have is keeping it clean.......this is a special exception for the photo as there are generally at least four projects going on at one time. It may not be the prettiest of places, but it is definitely a place to create! Thank you, Karen, for planning this entire event.....I know I am going to love looking at all the other spaces out there and hope to get some wonderful ideas :)


  1. That table looks Great!!! If it could only talk, what creative messages it could tell. I can't wait for us to start getting together and have fun.
    Have a wonderful night!

  2. Yay !! I cannot wait to be part of the creating crafting group !! Thank you sooo much for letting us create at your awesome table !

  3. Hello
    I love the table and I love the bed springs hanging from the ceiling. Wish I could join in on the fun.
    I am still tweaking my post...I took way too many pictures.
    Blessings to you my friend

  4. Hey girl looks GREAT!!! And I have seen that table covered in creativity! And I know that the 4th Thursday of every month it will indeed be a HAPPENING PLACE! Thanks for sharing.

  5. that is amazing creative space.. I would of never of thought to suspend the bed springs as you have..very clever.

  6. Very cool, I love all the sunlight! How inspiring.

  7. I love the table and the beautiful skirting! And hanging the bed springs/frame over the table is inspired! Thanks for sharing with us.

  8. Beautiful space! LOVE the bedsprings above....light and spacious and attractive place to create.....thanks for sharing!

  9. OMG i love the bedsprings above the table! what a cute and cottage idea! great space! big hugs


  10. Thanks for sharing your creative space! Hope you'll visit mine, too! Isn't Karen just great to have planned this whole party? I'm having a ball visiting everyone else's studios.

  11. Yes the bed springs are great! Will you hang things from them? I think there will be many people looking for springs to hang in their home studios!
    Sounds like you gals will have lots of fun around that table!

  12. Man I wish I lived in Texas! I love the bed springs over the table, fun and fanciful! Is that to inspire sweet dreams of creativity? Thanks for sharing and have fun with your art group!

  13. I wish I could craft at your table and meet new friends....looks like fun!

  14. Jana I love it!! Can't wait to sit under the bedsprings & create together!

  15. LOVIN' THOSE SPRINGS! Just love it all my friend! What a joy for me to visit!

    May God continue to bless your hands!

    Love, Rebecca

  16. What a fabulous creating space! Love the table skirting!
    I didn't get my studio photographed for today's event, but I will be hosting a Christmas in July giveaway on my blog tomorrow (Sat), if you'd like to stop by!

  17. Oh what fun I bet you all have gathering around that table!! I would love to be able to join you. Thanks so much for joining the party. You've helped make it very special.

    My Desert Cottage

  18. The bedspring is so whimsical! I love that! And your table is super with the beautiful skirting.. Have fun today!

  19. I would love to have such an enormous table in my little studio! Lucky girl! Enjoy this day filled with inspiration if you travel through blogland!

  20. What a fun place to work in! I love it.


  21. Love your matress spring on the ceiling, awesome

  22. Okay, you win most creative so far with that bed spring hanging from the ceiling. I have got to get me one of those. How great is that? Come by and visit my studio at:


  23. Definitely a great table and I love how you used the mattress springs! Super clever!

    Cathy ♥

  24. Oh, how I could spread my jewels on that marvelous table of yours and quickly cover every square inch! I am of the messy sort... hee, hee... It seems that no matter how much space I am allotted, it never seems to be enough to contain my mess. What a beautifully creative space you have! It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance at this lovely event; please do stop by for a visit soon!

    Enjoy the party!

    Warm Wishes,


  25. Very Pretty and Welcoming! You've done a beautiful job with your space. That table is to die for! Oh and I love the beautiful animal people living there too :-)

  26. is that an old bedspring above your table? now THAT is creative!
    :) Missy

  27. I'm here to say hello and visit your space! Love your table and where you've put your plants!!! :O)

  28. I just love the bedspring above your enormous table - your space is wonderful!

    :-) Molly

  29. Hello,

    Is that an old bed spring hanging from the ceiling? If so, it's really cool looking..what a great way to hang stuff that you need to see for inspiration! Your studio is ready for art class!! very nice, indeed :0)

    Please drop by to see my "studio in progress". I just recently moved into my home and have been remodeling for almost 3 months..it's getting there slowly but surely!

    Hope to see ya,

  30. Wow - I LOVE the huge island and the bed springs hanging from the ceiling! Very clever! I'm off to look around your blog. I'll never finish the party list at this rate! Hugs, Patti

  31. I'm flipping out over your bedspring too. Soon everybody will have one!
    I want a monthly craft party!!!

  32. LOVE LOVE LOVE the mattress springs hanging above the table...coolest thing I have seen in a while! Fabulous!!!

  33. You are very CLEVER, sugar! Who would have thought of old bedsprings for a place to hang stuff from the ceiling??!! Squeeeeeeeeal.....darling, chickee. Just incredible........

  34. What a cute space you have!
    I love it!


  35. I bet it's blast to gather around that table and create with you! Many a pretty thing has taken shape here I'll bet.

  36. Thanks for sharing your lovely space. I never thought about using matress springs that hang from the ceiling...the perfect idea for someone like me with a very small space and stacked storage tubs on the floor.

  37. What a great space, I love the bed mattress spring that is hanging, such a great idea! Beautiful table and skirt. Enjoyed my visit. Thanks for sharing your creative space! XOXO


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