August 30, 2009

For the Love of Tole ...........

I have had a love affair with rose tole trays since I came across my very first one in the early 80's. I have acquired them for as little as $2.00 or for as much as $100.00, but I love them all. I have some of my very favorites in my dining area, while the others are positioned around the house on tables and counters. I never tire of their individual beauty, yet similiar presentation in the completion of the flowers. I have learned to duplicate the trays with my own painting, but because they have no age, I feel they have no soul so they don't satisfy my need to own more.......I do love these old trays.


  1. Those roses are so very Janna. OMG I have been sooooooooo sick today. Woke up at 7 with it. Not sure if it is food poisioning or what???? Just want it to go away! Went to a Grandchilds birthday party yesterday. Hope one of them wasn't carrying the disease of the week. Larry put my stool together & I thought I was so excited about it but, it is short. Don't think its going to work. Will come by & measure it before returning it to Walley World. Not the same stool as Carolyns. Later.

  2. I agree, Jana, these vintage tole trays have a mellow patina....very hard to replicate. What a beautiful collection you have! Thank you so much for your wonderful comments about my new website. I, sincerely, appreciated it!

  3. I love these trays too! they really look good in any decor..I agree the ones that are aged with time are very special! I have a few tucked in places were they can be seen daily as i pass by!

  4. Your collection is wonderful Janna, I have had most of those pass through my hands in the last 15 years. I have a couple in the shop right now but on green wood trays. They are always a good seller although they have topped out in price now which I bet your glad of...

  5. Beautiful, makes me kind of sick that I sold mine! I wish you do a post with some pics of your home. That little peek makes me want more! Lisa


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