September 13, 2009

Giving Back Some "Love"........

I have found such friendship in this wonderful land of blogging. It amazes me that somehow through all of the muck of the day, we have all found each other. All sharing enough similiar interests in art, animals, gardening, food, and families to bring us together on a very regular basis. It also never ceases to amaze me the kind and warm comments left on my posts by people that I would not even recognize if they came to my front door. I get so busy that I often forget to give back, but am taking the time to make sure I do right now......below is a sample of the soap I am offering up in exchange for all of the kindness I have received since I started sharing my life with you.........I hope you will join in......I'm doing it just for YOU!

I do have to admit that when I came up with my new monthly giveaway, I posted it very quickly and didn't even share a picture of what this yummy handmade soap actually looks like, and that is half of it's appeal. The other half, which becomes the most important, is the fact that the soap is absolutely wonderful. Not only is it a natural soap, but it lathers very well, rinses very clean, and does not dry your skin. I have used this soap everyday for the last three years (since I started making it) and very seldom have to use lotion because of dryness. I don't mean to say this is an oily feeling soap, as it isn't. It just doesn't dry your skin where it feels so tight after you use it that you immediately have to use a lotion . So now, all of you visiting and not joining in on the chance to win a whole loaf of this delicious soap will join in the fun and enter your name by either commenting or be entered twice for actually following me.

Make your Day Great! xo jana


  1. Put me in the hat. And I thought I was following your blog, but had never signed in. I did tonight. Friends in blogland are wonderful, we are all a bunch of lucky ladies. I love making new friends and I love the old ones too.

  2. I would love some of your soap! (I'll be in soon to buy some lavender.) Enjoyed visiting with you the other day and you were so gracious with your time and information for my cousin and me. She was very impressed with you and your shop and is going to spread the word!

  3. Of course I would LOVE to win a loaf of soap! My "Honey" is a soap freak! Isn't that weird for a guy. He loves different soaps & always wants to try something new. And I am already a follower!!!! Great photos. I will post them in a couple of days. I figure I won't be blogging much for a few days. I owe I owe so off to work I go. Have a great week.

  4. Your soap looks wonderful and handmade soaps are always the best
    I am amazed at the beautiful friends I have made here since blogging.
    I am glad that I have discovered your blog, thank you.

    Enjoy your week

  5. I would love to be in the drawing. Thanks so much for your support and encouragement daily.
    Your the best,

  6. Jana, I am already a follower of yours, and what girl wouldn't love a loaf of soap. OMG it looks positively devine. What a wonderful give away. I can hardly wait to see what you post next. Thanks again. Have a wonderful day. Country hugs, Sherry

  7. Hello, I am Mimi but I signed on to follow you through my dogs! I manage four blogs so sometimes I get a little coo-coo when I follow folks but as long as I know who I am and you know who you are we should be fine! WOW, that soap looks gorgeous! Wouldn't it be pretty in my Victorian bath area...ooooooo!

  8. I can almost smell it, it looks so heavenly!
    ~ Anne

  9. I so understand...I too am in awe of the wonderful people we meet here in blogland and am only sorry it took me this long to join in the fun. The soap looks heavenly!!! I continue to reamin a faithful follower.

  10. The soap look great and I'm glad you told us that it doesn't make you dry. I thought I commented before but I don't see it on this blog so here it is, a new one.

  11. Ohhh I would love to be entered in to win some soap ~ I love homemade soap so very much ~
    Thank you !

  12. It sounds like wonderful soap. I always have to use lotion after a shower of my skin gets dry and flaky. This would be great to try!

  13. I always love visiting your blog! I would love to have my name entered in your giveaway this month. Thank you for sharing your photos.
    Hugs Sharon

  14. Oh, enter me! I love hand made soaps!

  15. Hi Jana
    Thanks for stopping by, I am back from MN and it is always so nice to hear from you.
    Your soap looks wonderful!
    It is amazing what a short time I have been blogging and how many friends I have been fortunate enough to make via the internet whereas it just wouldn't happen otherwise.

  16. There is such a great difference in handmade soap and so worth the difference in cost. It also last so much longer and so much better for your skin. Such a generous give away!

  17. Hello Jana! Very nice to meet you! I've enjoyed reading your blog! Love your beautiful animals! That soap looks wonderful! I bet it smells heavenly! I would be honored to be placed in your drawing! You are so generous! & I just signed up to be a follower! I'll stop by & visit again soon! Hope you have a Beautiful week! ~ Blessings ~ Teresa

  18. PLease enter me in this awesome give-away. I am a new visitor here. I like your blog...m..

  19. Where do I start? Thankyou so much for commenting on my blog and my Honeymoon sign. So glad I reminded HattieJanes name of your grandmother. It is an old fashioned name. Yes I do have my hands full. I dont get much done I want to do but I love her dearly. I love your blog. I am also an antiques dealer.I have a space at an antique store.If you scroll down on my old post on my blog you will see pics of my space. I love your patio.It would be fun to put some curtains up outside but we live in a very spidery bug place. Also dusty.Love also your silver you have in your home. Thankyou thankyou for commenting on my blog. Hugs Sally

  20. What a sweet thing for you to do! I would love to win some of your wonderful soaps. They sound terrific.

    Thanks so much for becoming a follower of The Old Parsonage and your uplifting comments. I just became a follower of yours so that I know whats going on in your little corner of the world too!

    Enjoy your evening!

  21. I love that soap, mine is actually used all up so I would love to win some more! Hint, hint. Lisa

  22. Hi - I finally got here! The computer crashed, so I had a fair bit of rejigging to do... talk about late! Anyway, Happy Pink Saturday (although it's now Wednesday....)

    That soap is a lovely idea!

  23. Just found your blog!!! I am a Janna too!! Love your Wednesday Whites, the soap looks just yummy!! Put me in! Blessings, Janna

  24. oh, how i love homemade soap, the best!!!!!
    please enter me, i am now a follower, i have two blogs, go by my primitive blog and enter my give away, thanks

  25. Ooh, those look scrumptious. At first glance, I thought they were chunks of fancy fudge!

  26. Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog... I love your bars of soap... they look yummy enough to eat but not a good thing.....


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.