September 29, 2009

It's A Great Day for a White (Wedding) Wednesday!

Here we are at yet another Halloween, and I stand amazed at how many resale shops simply put out the antique and vintage wedding gowns for be drug down the street and stepped on and literally ruined. That's why I started "saving" these beauties years and years ago.....before alot of the stores caught on and started raising the prices when they saw me coming. Over the years I have amassed approximately 50 vintage and antique oldest being from the 1920's, but some of my favorites from the 60's.....must be because that is the decade in which I married and am partial to my gown. Yes, I still have it and it is 42 years later. I cannot imagine ever parting with this part of my life or my daughter not wanting it someday. That is why it always saddens me so when I am presented with a gown being told..."you take girls don't want it and I would rather it go to you than charity" just breaks my heart. That is why today....on this beautiful white wedding wednesday I am reminded of one of my favorite quotes being....

"There's something in alot of us I am thankful for........a desire to save the old".

I will forever continue to save these "girls"......if only to keep them from those who don't care about them and those who fail to see their soul. Want more White Wednesday.......jump over to Faded Charm Cottage on the sidebar button and see who else has joined the fun of sharing this's always a beautiful day!

The fabrics, the laces, the workmanship are like nothing we have today......absolutely delicious, and in most cases....right off the rack!


  1. Absolutely beautiful, Jana. There is something about looking at wedding gowns that just melts me. I am such a romantic, and I see you are too!

  2. Wow, your "girls" are absolutely breathtaking!

  3. Good for you, I would love to take on that mission, but my DH would stroke out:)

    Some of your gowns are sooo lovely.

    Have a great night!

  4. What a most beautiful white wednesday. What a wonderful perspective.


  5. Hi Jana,

    Beautiful white Wednesday post and I just adore these lovely gowns.
    I can't imagine how anyone could give their gown away. I love the romantic and pretty gowns, the older the better. You have some beautiful gowns and glad that you have rescued them.

    Happy week

  6. Simply breathtaking!! I'm so glad you rescued these lovely ladies! They deserve to be loved.

  7. What fun! I love the back of the second one. My Mom still has her dress after 38 years, but I'm afraid to say that it's seen it's better days. It was never properly stored and is now in the dress up clothes of my niece. My Mom was ready to give it away all together a few years ago and I pitched a fit. Not that I could wear it. My Mom weighed about 90lbs when she got married at 18.
    I'm about 30lbs to big! However I am still not ready to let it go. Thanks for sharing some of your gowns. I'd like to see more one day!

  8. Great post today. I feel that way too. I also get sad when there are photos that nobody wants anymore. All those people have a story. Thanks for your nice comment about Max. I really miss him, but everytime I see his picture on my blog I can talk to him and it makes me smile. He had gotten so bad that it was time. Give all yours extra loving while you have them.

    Enjoy your day!


  9. Hi
    It must be a white dress and lace Wednesday...I think we are on the same brain waves.
    Your post is lovely, such beautiful dresses!
    Have a great WW

  10. We're both on the Wedding brain wave. I just got the most delicious bridal headpeice from Rebecca. I know what you mean when girls don't want to keep their mother's sad!

  11. Such beautiful dresses! I so glad you had the for-sight to rescue these beauties years ago! There is nothing like that wonderful old lace! Have a great WW
    My Best

  12. I featured a wedding dress from Lone Star in my White Wednesday post too...too funny! I also buy them off teh Halloween racks @ thrift stores (for my granddaughter to play dress up in some day) but I haven't amassed near your collection.

    "There's something in alot of us I am thankful for........a desire to save the old".

    LOVe that!

  13. Jana,
    Your collection of wedding dresses was one of the first things I noticed when I came into your shop 2 years ago. Each one is precious and dear. It kind of makes me sad that they were not kept in their original families, but you love them as you own & have given them a wonderful home. Lisa


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