September 4, 2009

My Pink Years......Celebrating Pink Saturday!

I haven't always been such a fan of the color PINK. In fact, it has only been within the last 7 years that I have found it to be the wonderful color that it's actually like a big hug, or at least it is to me. My daughter laughingly refers to the fact that I am "in my pink years", but that implies that someday I will also be out of them and no longer in love with the color.....which I just don't think to be the case. I am sharing my version of the big Bohemian Victorian bags that I make. It is definitely primarily "pink" with all shades included in the creation. Although I sell these in my shop, I made this one just for me........

Want to see more pink today......jump over to Beverly's place at
How Sweet the Sound to see the other participants in today's party......and consider yourself "hugged"....
xo jana


  1. Ooh Jana, that is ever so do such beautiful work...I will one day have one of your creations :) How is the beautiful lil miss Sterling? looking forward to more pictures.. Rose

  2. Jana I love it! You did an awesome job on it! Have you started carrying it yet? Maybe you will have people stop you on the streets & ask you where to buy them. Be sure & carry lots of cards!

  3. Ooh Jana!
    Happy Pink Saturday honey!
    Welcome, and I absolutely love these bags. How cute are they? You have done a terrific job on them. Thanks so much for sharing. I have signed up to follow your blog. Please stop by and say hi. I would love to have you follow my blog as well. Country hugs, Sherry

  4. Hello Jana,

    Happy PiNk Saturday to you..I really love your bohemian bag! I wanted to let you know that I chose your blog to link to for this weeks Pink Saturday. :0)

    Have a lovely day and please do drop by for a visit!


  5. WElcome and happy pink Saturday. Your bags are lovely. Oh and I love all your cats and dogs. Have a nice day
    Riet, The Netherlands

  6. I headed here via Queen of Dreamz and I can see why your gorgeous bag was's a also enjoying my pink years!

  7. Hello - welcome to PS and ty for sharing that adorable bag! I love your sweet Marley, too. Is he/she a Maine Coon? Your other furbabies are just precious, oh those faces! Amos and Annie are just darling. We have 3 Maine Coons... and 2 Siamese-mix tarts we rescued, all well adored and treated like our children.

    Come visit at (MaidenShade is one word; )

  8. Hi Jana..and welcome to Pink Saturday. Your bag is just gorgeous,the colors and lace is lovely. How very talented you are.. Happy Pinks and have a lovely weekend.

  9. Welcome to Pink Saturday, Jana! Your bags are terrific - what fun you must have making them! Love your sweet cats and dogs. You're a fellow animal lover!

  10. Hi Jana

    Welcome to pink Saturday. Have a nice weekend.

  11. Love your bag adorable. Welcome have fun today visiting Pink Saturday.

  12. Welcome, is a very pretty bag. Hapy Pink Saturday!!!

  13. Happy Pink Saturday and welcome!
    Looks like you have lots of fun in pink!

  14. Hi Jana~ What beautiful work you do!

    Stopping by to wish a very Happy Pink Saturday ~ welcome aboard. Have a terrific weekend!

  15. Your bags are beautiful! Welcome to Pink Saturday!

  16. You do some great work on the bags, lots of talent there, Happy Pink Saturday to you, Char

  17. I love the pinks you chose to share with us today. You do beautiful work. I hope you are in the pink and having a wonderful day.

  18. Welcome to Pink Saturday! What a great post about your bags. Love them! Please stop by and visit me as well. Have a wonderful pink weekend.
    Hugs and glitter,

  19. Welcome to PS; hope you'll stop by for a visit. Very nifty bag!

  20. Welcome to PS, you are my choice for a new link, love the bags! Anything with lace.

  21. I love all your bags. You are a very talented and creative person. I am sure you will have no problem selling any of them.

  22. Hi Jana

    I'm just coming into my pink too! I love your heads in the last post. My Mum just bought me 3 head vases this am as a b-day present!

    If you have time, please stop by The Old Parsonage, I love company!


  23. Your bag is fantastic! I don't blame you for keeping this one for yourself. ;-)

    Welcome to your first Pink Saturday, Jana.

  24. Hi, Jana,
    Love your gorgeous Bohemian bags! They are just my style! Happy Pink Saturday. Vicki

  25. Hey 'Pink Lady' I LOVE LOVE the bag. Happy Saturday. Lisa

  26. Love your Victorian Bag! Happy Pink Saturday! I'm hoping to be a newbie for next week. Hope you'll visit.

  27. Hi my new friend. That you for becoming a follower on my blog. I can't get my picture to work nor can I become anyones follower. I can't figure it out. When I do I'll become one of your followers. In the mean time I'll put you on my links on my side bar.

    Love your pinks and your crazy bag. If you ever want to do an exchange let me know.

  28. It's pretty! A bohemian bag. Like the sound of that. And perfect too with your love of pink blossoms :-)

    Happy Pink Weekend!


  29. Isn't pink such a happy color??? I have an friend that's worn pink her whole life(75yrs) and she always says when you wear pink you can not be depressed. I guess it works she's always smiling and laughing! I digress... Your bag is wonderful. I had a customer that made some similar ones but she said they took too long to make so didn't like selling them...just gives them to friends....lucky friends!


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.