September 8, 2009

White Wednesday & A Monthly Giveaway..!!!!..

I don't often post pictures of my home, but with the waning summer days mixed with the beautiful white arbors my husband has built for me over the years, the look was just too inviting to pass up for my second White Wednesday hosted by Faded Charm. Annie has even posed 'specially for you....and you don't know how true that is as she is always in the pool.....we feel certain she is half seal. I've included the photo of the heirloom chives......I spend all summer pulling these things up because they are so invasive, but still always have some....somewhere. They are so easy to forgive, though.....the blooms are beautiful!

Also, I am now hosting a blogger giveaway to give something back to all of you who stopped to visit and were kind enough to let me know you were here. If you comment on any post during the month your name will be entered once......if you choose to ALSO become a follower, then your name will be entered twice. This will be a monthly 'thing' and the very first give away for the month of September will be a whole loaf (approximately 6-7, two inch bars) of all natural handmade soap. I make and sell this soap in my shop and have a tremendous customer base for just this product.....they love it and I love it....I am hoping the winner does too!

Want to see more "Wonderful Whites"?.....stop by Faded Charm and see what the others have put together for you.......I'm sure you won't be disappointed. Be sure and put your name in the "pot" by commenting or following.....I want YOU to win!


  1. Oh my stars jana...give me a moment to pick my jaw up off the floor and wipe the drool off my lap!! My stars but your yard is absolutely gorgeous...can you feel me turnin all shades of green over here in So Cal :) I think I am going to have to enlarge then print out these pics and put them into my dream yard folder :) Please enter me in your giveaway, I would just love that :) hmmm would you mind if I posted about it? my blog isn't that big but at least a few might get to see the post :) take care amor...Rose

  2. Your outdoor space is so inviting with all that dreamy white. The fabric lends such an ethereal touch. Wonderful giveaway too.....just love handmade soaps. If you made it I know I'll love it!

  3. You have a beautiful blog and I came across via Rose inviting me to come and visit.
    What a wonderful garden you have, so beautiful.
    That is so lovely that you make soap and please enter me in your draw giveaway.


  4. Yowzers, that is SOME backyard! I'm packin' my bags and moving in! Just gorgeous!
    Happy White Wednesday!
    ~ Anne

  5. Jana your yard is just all the fabric - it gives it that inside out look and so comfy. What a great area for parties and family. It is truely heavenly.
    Have a wonderful week

  6. Good Morning Jana~~
    I just popped over from Rose's~~your outdoor home is simply like a dream...Love every little bit of it and thank Miss Annie for the fantastic posing~lol!
    Oh and your kitties are just beautiful!!
    I am now a follower and would love for you to visit my blog and follow if you like. I am going to have my 1st giveaway very soon, too!
    I just adore handmade soaps so will take a peek in your Etsy shoppe, too!
    Have a wonderous Wednesday!


    ~Let Freedom Ring!~

  7. We just want to know at what time you are serving the lemonade so we can come over...Gorgeous!!!

  8. Sooooo beautiful. Looks so relaxing in your yard. Our yard has been put to bed for the fall. -smiles-

  9. All I can say is WOW! This looks like something out of a magazine. It looks just like your beautiful romantic style. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

  10. I'm so glad you did post these pics of your yard and lovely white arbors. Simply breathtaking. I love it all!

    Take care,

  11. Beautiful pictures..... please enter me

  12. What lovely pictures of your home. Would love to win the soap, please enter me.

    Irma :)

  13. Mmmmmmmmm..........sounds delish! Please add me to the hopeful gals!


    PS....your outdoor rooms are just're a lucky girl.

  14. Jana,
    I wanna win!! hA Ha. I wish you would post even more pics of your home. That awesome patio is such a tease. Beautiful. Lisa

  15. Jana ~ I love the arbors adn I love the curtains ~ I have always wanted to do that but can't figure out how with the weather in Texas ~ you will need to fill me in on that ~

  16. What a wonderful and generous thing to do...please count me in and as of today I shall be your faithful follower!

  17. I also love the simplicity and class of the white. And my cat Oro looks just like Punkin! ;-)
    Thank you for your generosity!
    I am also a follower

  18. Oh my what a great giveaway. Your home is lovely. Please count me in for your sweet giveaway :-)

  19. Summer must feel especially luxurious out in your backyard! And it would be delicious to have some hand-made soap to ease the transition to fall.

  20. I have completely enjoyed your pictures. What a wonderful garden and area you have created. I would love some homemade soap! I just won a giveaway at Tarnished & Tattered
    maybe I'll get lucky again!
    Have a wonderful weekend...Susie

  21. Lovely yard and lovely Annie! I had a black lab growing up, and she was my dearest companion.


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.