October 22, 2009

One Day Left....Ready or Not....Here it Comes!

Backlot mowed.......check
Punkins delivered......check
Mums in place......check
Brenda coming......check
Tents ready to assemble....check
Merchandise ready to go.........well, almost check
Tomorrow it is dealer set up for heavy and big stuff and getting the signs out and up.....then "D" Day, rather Trade Day is Saturday at 8:00 am..................................................I'm already looking forward to sleeping in Sunday...and to think someone actually had the nerve to ask me one time why I didn't do this every month.....they just didn't have a clue!


  1. Know they really don't have a clue.....good luck this Saturday!
    Have a great sleep in on Sunday!

  2. Jana, you are already ARE on my list! D'oh! I knew I'd leave someone out! Didja know that I spent at least an hour last night reading back through your blog? Stealing ideas, what else?
    After your big sale, let's talk!

  3. No they don't have a CLUE. It would kill us all. I too am looking forward to SUNDAY.
    See you tomorrow!
    Hugs, Pat

  4. Hi Jana,
    what a lovely blog I've just discovered from Kathleen's Faded Charm. Such encounters are so pleasant and inspiring...
    I'll be taking some time to scroll down all your blog pages. BTW I' already a follower!
    I liked what you wrote in your profile about being a true romantic soul.
    I adore vintage and antique items too. Love shabby chic home decor, I'm crazy for old teasets and adore roses. Guess I'm also a romantic soul.
    Come and visit my blog in between your trade days, blog work, comments reading and writing, and house chores. You will find me waiting at http://ritashabbychicrose.blogspot.com/
    Until then, have a great week-end!

  5. I am looking forward to reading about everyone's successful and happy times at Trade Days! Good luck to you all!


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.