October 16, 2009

A Pink Saturday Potpourri.......

I am running around chasing my tail, or though it would seem. It always gets crazy before the Trade Days Antique Flea Market that I host twice a year on the half acre behind my store........not only am I busy securing quality dealers, but I try to have fresh and new merchandise in the sale as well. This Pink Saturday I present a whole mismash of pink items, but all things that I love. They have all been specially prepared for the sale.....except the paintings......someday I will have enough quiet time to finish these, but thought if I shared them it would make me do it faster because of total embarrassment because these have been sitting for almost a year in this incomplete state........or maybe not, we'll see :) There is no special theme other than pink and pretty today.......hope you enjoy........and think of me as I quietly go crazy the rest of the week.
I still adore antique china mosaic and knew these flat frames would accommodate beautiful patterns.....I especially love using the capodimonte roses in the corners for wonderful depth. Once grouted, they will be ready for the sale.
Victorian cones made from old window screen.....they can be painted any color desired and are precious on door knobs and handles because of the smaller size.
Paintings I haven't finished yet.....now now maybe I will as I have embarrased myself into completion by sharing :)
Gorgeous vintage fabrics made into what I sweetly call my "big ass bags"....great for grocery shopping or for just toting things around.
Sweet little antique teacup pincushions......
Last, but not least, is the slipcovered vintage patio chair....ready for the Trade Days, but you're gonna have to beat Brenda to it has she has seriously been eyeing this piece :)
Want more pink today? Jump over to Beverly's Pink Saturday to see what the other participants have prepared especially for you this week........the sidebar has the button and there is alot more to see!


  1. Everything is beautiful! Good luck finishing all your projects, especially with the holidays coming up. Things seem to speed up and time goes by faster. Happy Pink Saturday and have a loveleigh weekend!

  2. Beautiful pinks today!
    Have a lovely pink day..xo Tami

    ps...love that slipcover!

  3. I love your painting and am happy to see that you are finishing it. Very pretty post today, I just have to say that most of us probably have unfinished projects to get to, Happy Pink Saturday, guess I'll go get to work, Char

  4. I love the items you've assembled to share with us today. I hope your sale is successful. Have a wonderful Pink Saturday.

  5. Beautiful Post!!
    Happy Pink Saturday.

    Back Porch Blessings,

  6. As usual, I am not disappointed with all of the pink goodies I get to see on Pink Saturday. With fall in the air and the days getting shorter, Pink Saturday is going to be more important than ever to bring a little sunshine into my home.

    Your post this week was extra special!Give all those furry kids of yours a little kiss from me☺

    Wishing you a weekend filled with good food, good company and much l♥ve.

  7. Omgoodness you are so talented..Love everything!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  8. Pretty pinks, I love those frames.
    Happy Pink Saturday!!!

  9. Everything is looking great. I'm working hard to get my things all ready too. I'll try to post some tomorrow, I'm too tired tonight, I've been painting a chest and things all day.
    Hope you are having a great weekend.
    Hugs, Pat

  10. Love all the pinks!

    My cone with stand came yesterday! I LOVE IT!
    Thank you lovely one for the hankie you tucked inside :) You are so kind.


  11. Great stuff Jana, I really do love the patio chair! Brenda may have a bidding war on her hands! Lisa
    PS This is gonna be our best Trade Days yet!

  12. I love those fabrics!

    I'm still, on Sunday, visiting PS posts and wishing you a wonderful week.

  13. Hello Jana
    Thanks for coming over...it looks like you have been busy girl!
    Love all you pink! I Have rested up from my trip now it's time for me to get productive! You are my inspiration

  14. I'll tyr to get some photos but, I don't have nearly the stuff that Lisa & Caroyln do!!!! I have been too busy doing other stuff last week. I LOVE MY RUSCHED ROSE & you DID SAY that it meant ruffled when I asked you in class what does Rusche mean!!!!! I wouldn't make it up!!!! Jana said... hee hee I'll get a few photos.

  15. froisser=ruffle......rousched="gathered"..............same to me :)) "jana said"

  16. I sure love the mosaic frames and your blog. Come check out my two blogs and see what I want to swap.


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.