November 1, 2009

And October's Giveaway Winner is...................

The winner of these gorgeous vintage German Christmas ornaments is.................................drum roll here,
Sares of

.......I couldn't be more excited or pleased that this wonderful person won these beautiful decorations. Her love of family and animals is equal to mine and I know she will appreciate owning these sweet treasures. Thank you to all who commented during the month and also chose to follow so you could have more chances to have your name drawn. The November giveaway will be posted the first of the week, so stay tuned.........the new twist this month is that if you choose to mention the giveaway on YOUR blog anytime during the month, you will be entered for yet another chance, giving you THREE chances to win...........just let me know so I can make sure and drop your name in the "hat" for more chances...........

Again, thanks to all who visit me here. I love what I do and know how fortunate I am to be able to have my own beautiful precious furr babies......and my health. Again, stay tuned, and congratulations, Sares.........I'm happy for you!!
xo, jana


  1. Oh Sares!
    Congratulations. You will have some beautiful ornaments to decorate with this year. How fun.

    Jana thanks for the wonderful opportunity to win. You have such a beautiful blog.

    Happy November sweetie. Country hugs, Sherry

  2. Thank you again Jana! I am so happy these little treasures are coming home to me! Please come visit my blog, I just posted a giveaway as well!

  3. Hi Jana
    Thanks so much for stopping by and you are so right about all the work involved in owning a shop let alone making the product for it also, but of course that is the fun of it all
    Have a fabulous week

  4. Jana, these are beautiful!!!! I love them...please enter my name into your giveaway! Blogging is like that isn't it? Once you get the hang of it, you can't believe the amazing friendships that you'll make. Almost three years later and I'm still loving it so ~ have a great day! xxoo, Dawn


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.