November 17, 2009

I Adore White Wednesday.......

Welcome to another White Wednesday hosted by Kathleen at Faded Charm. I am never at a loss of beautiful whites as my life is full of this gorgeous color....and you really IS a color. I have chosen to share the fireplaces in my home this week, one because of the cold weather and two....because I love them each and every one......when you are through here, just jump over to Kathleen's site for more participants in today's is always inspiring and beautiful.

I was very fortunate to find this gorgeous piece at an out of the way indoor flea market several years was always a faux fireplace and has a wonderful flickering fire behind the ceramic wood logs. I adore the wonderful French carvings and ornate detailing of the entire piece. It lives in one of my guest bedrooms flanked by my husband's Grandmother's side chairs. I pile as much "stuff" on it as I can and it never seems to mind........

This wonderful fireplace is original to my home. It was where we celebrated many a Christmas and has wonderful memories for me. After we bought the home from my Mother 27 years ago, we did extensive remodeling and this living room became our master bedroom......a wonderful thing to watch as you go to sleep.....a flickering fire .........I adore this piece and the memories it represents.
And my absolute favorite piece in my home....I found this on the back loading dock of a local flea market for just $100.00 several years is so wonderful and the focal point of my living area.....

Please also consider entering my challenge of re purposing. Simply take a before and after picture and submit by January 15th to be judged as a winner for a designer altered couture sweater, compliments of who! The fun thing about this challenge is the only rule is that it has to be something different than what it started out as......a chair as a stool, a bed as a bench, etc.....entries are already coming in and I am excited to see all the creativity!!!! I know it is a busy time of the year, but the challenge extends to January 15th and you know all you have to do after the first is put away all the Christmas decorations.....yeah, right! But, still, I hope you will find the time to play with us.........

Make your day great!



  1. Hi Jana, beautiful fireplaces. They look so cozy and I would just spend hours curled up next to them with a good book. They are each so different, but I love the surround in the last photo. I think this type with the mirror is just gorgeous!
    Happy WW,

  2. Lovely fireplace mantles!! and I love the loaded down look-- looks fantastic and loved!

  3. They are all beautiful. I don't know how you would chose a favorite!

  4. Lovely! Fireplaces and mantles, whether faux or real, always bring a sense of coziness to a space. Blessings, :) Tammy

  5. Wow, that last one is truly amazing! I can see why it's your favorite. Your home is just an absolute inspiration, Jana!

  6. I heart everyone of your fabulous fireplaces. I have a faux fireplace in my bedroom. Actually the antique mantle and side pieces are real and went to a real fireplace but I don't have a fireplace in my bedroom so I made one. It's shabby and chippy and I may put it up next Wednesday for white Wednesday. Thank you for the idea. How come I didn't think of that? HWW! xo Lynn

  7. Love all of them. It is always an added treat to get a peak into your beautiful home.
    See you Thurs,

  8. Gorgeous fireplaces! I miss having a fireplace in the bedroom. :o(

    Love your repurposing know I'll be playing!

  9. Hi Jana, There's nothing like a fireplace and mantel to cozy things up in a home. Your's are all so lovely. I love your mantel decorating. Just so beautiful.

  10. I looove your fireplaces...sure wish mine was that pretty! I'm now following you...looking forward to all that is on the way! Happy Thanksgiving!


  11. Beautiful white fire places. I especially love the first piece, so very charming and elegant.

  12. Hey Jana!
    I would love to enter your challenge, but I'm real insecure about my repurposing efforts. Seriously, I can do the blog and etsy all day long, but I'm not very crafty or handy with my hands...or tools. But I'll try!

  13. Hi Jana,
    love ALL your precious whites, but your fist pieces is certainly my favorite. that carving and ornate decor is so beautiful. I'm glad you have such a treasure which appears to match just so well with your room.
    Have a nice week-end!

  14. Lucky you to have such a beautiful fireplace in your bedroom. I would adore going to sleep by a fire. And I try to re-purpose everything. My dad is the ultimate though, when I got toilet-papered as a teen-ager, he would make us go out and roll up the toilet paper to re-use it, as it was originally intended...

  15. OK I have bedroom envy now!!!! I love the fireplace in your bedroom!!!!

  16. Jana, what lovely whites you have shared :) Your fireplaces are gorgeous as are all the items on your mantels :)Besos, Rose


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