November 27, 2009

When "Frantic" is a Way of Life......

I don't know that I know any other mode.......and I seem to operate so much better under pressure, so I don't know that I am complaining......I would just like to know what it would be like with enough time to do it all.......but, I've given up on that and there is just so much I want to do that it goes full speed at all times........I've pictured a few of the things I have been getting ready for the Open House December 5th.........I just love to have handmade things tucked in and among the regular inventory to make the store feel festive.....

Cones are easy to make and can be hung on the tree, a cabinet knob, or set in springs holding candy or treats.....

Lacey mantel banners.......Joy or Noel.......add wonderful holiday charm.

"Wishes & Dreams"ornaments.........the perfect gift to give someone needing inspiration and encouragement.......

Winter foot snuggies.....cream, black, cranberry, blueberry, and warm!

Cloche crochet cotton oatmeal or black......

Hand dyed millinery flowers for the cloche crochet hats...... Not a good picture, but an idea of the wonderful antique satin stockings available....

An assembly line of tags.....

Sweet altered bottles.....

It would seem that the last few months, and for the next few weeks, the word "frantically" will be attached to just about everything I do. It's not that I want it that just seems to be the way it is, and with no easy way out..........Thanksgiving is "under my belt" and hopefully not on my hips :), and we are on the way to the Christmas Open House at the shoppe on December 5th. I am such a stickler at not decorating for Christmas before the Thanksgiving holiday has come and gone, so that doesn't leave alot of time to get ready for the event. I have, however, been "frantically" (there that word is again) getting handmade items ready to tuck in and among the wonderful vintage and antique items we offer on a daily basis. I always have to smile when customers ask me when I am going to get my "Christmas stuff" a box arrives with all the vintage and antique Christmas decorations and accessories like magic. I think they are all so accustomed to even the antique stores in the area shopping at the Trade Market bringing in reproduced vintage and antique decorations, that they expect I do the same....But, I don't. I am very proud of the fact that everything in the shoppe is vintage, antique, or handcrafted to blend in with all of the old things we love so much.....

It would also seem that little elves have been busy in my art room as there are tags, stockings, ornaments, crocheted hats and snuggies, altered bottles, and cones.....and tons and tons of glitter everywhere......they really should have been neater!!!!! Within the next few days the store will be transformed into a Christmas wonderland full of new merchandise from dealers and some added by me as well......all for the season and the upcoming Open House........we all are working hard to make this very special for those of you who are in the area and can will be a fun day!!!
Don't forget the last day to comment or follow for the November giveaway is midnight on the 30th........they are great for Christmas or spring......


  1. Oh, My Goodness, some days, I am so proud of myself for planning a dinner and having it on the table at a decent hour! How many hours are in your day? You put the energizer bunny to shame! I wish I could shop the shoppe!

  2. Hi I love everything please pass me on some of that energy... Thanksgiving put me in slow motion.... Take care....

  3. You may be going at frantic, break neck speed, but you are creating and crafting and it will all be worth it. Vintage with handmade is wonderful. love the foot snuggies and the tags. Wish I could be there for the sale. Blessings, :) Tammy

  4. Dear Sweet Jana~
    You KNOW if I lived there I would put on my best apron and come help you...AND would probably buy a ton of stuff!!!
    Made sure you be good to yourself during this busy time.


  5. Oooooh, I love all the goodies you've got there! And I thought I was a busy lady! Okay, I'll take at least one of those victorian cones!!

    Tomorrow is the last day for my giveaway... don't forget to stop by and leave a note!

    Try to breathe and take a nap between now and December 5th! Wink :)

  6. Things are looking amazing!!!! Love the line up of tags!!!!!! I soooooo have to have a few of the snowman ones & a few of those hand dyed flowers. See ya on the 5th. ~Charlene

  7. Jana,
    I love it , love it love it!!!! I need a dose of your energy!!! You are like Rolex... just keep on tickin'.

  8. Jana,
    I just sat down...for the first time all day and saw the title of your post. You must be as frazzled as I am? and in hyper mode. I think it must be like child forget all the "pain" you go thru and do it again every year. I can't believe you take the time to make so much...I hope your customers appreciate all you do for're a gem!!!
    Good luck with your open house!

  9. I don't know how you do it, you are amazing! The cool thing is, you make it all look effortless, ya know?
    Take care of yourself in between all the busy-ness!

  10. Hello,

    What lovely stuff you have in your shop! Please enter me for your November giveaway. ;0) I lived in Bedford, TX back in the early 90's and worked in's a small world, isn't it! :0) Too bad I'm not closer now....I'd love to visit your shop.

    Scatter Bliss...

  11. Hi Jana

    Everything looks wonderful. Deep breath...

  12. Wow, your elves certainly have been busy! Can you send them over to my house? It all looks so great, and love the spring idea holding your cones. Hope you get to sit and relax for a bit!


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.