December 2, 2009

AND THE WINNER IS....come on down Sherry!

As promised, the winner of the November giveaway of five....count'em.....five Victorian cones is Sherry of Country Wings in Phoenix.........just email me your mailing info and I will have these on their way before the end of the week so as to arrive in time for your holiday decorating......Thank you to all who commented, and stay tuned for the December giveaway which will be posted tomorrow....AND THEN, be thinking about the Repurposing Challenge as well......just change something into something else and send me the before and after photos with a brief could win an altered couture sweater made "just for you".....deadline is January 15th, you have plenty of time!!!!!! Congratulations, Sherry.........I hope you love them.



  1. Congratulations to Sherry! It could not have gone to a sweeter lady!

  2. congratulations Sherry, I know she will love them!!!

  3. Lucky Sherry!
    As a former winner of one of your awesome giveaways, I know what a treat she's in for!
    Love ya, sweet friend,

  4. Congratulations to Sherry! Jana I was wondering on your Challenge would turning an old tackle bax into a box for my treasures and art bits and pieces count? Or turning a bird cage stand holder into a stand for a maniquin stand count? I am new at this so just wondering how this works :) Thank you and hope you and your family are doing wonderful, your grande bebe must be getting so big and beautiful now :) Besos, Rose

  5. Oh my stars Jana, I just saw that gorgeous picture on your sidebar of your grand bebe, she is so beautiful :) You shoud incorporate that picture into one of your art works...with your talent,can you imagine how beautiful that would be Besos, Rose

  6. Congrats to Sherry! It couldn't have gone to a nicer gal! Blessings!

  7. Oh My Gosh Jana...
    I am so excited. Thank you so much. I can hardly wait. I have so many ideas. I will go and email you right now. Oh thank you sweetie.
    Country hugs and love, Sherry


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