December 30, 2009

Announcing "Quick Project Thursday" you wanna play?

The thing I have especially noticed since I started blogging is the fact everyone is so very willing to "share". To share their families, thoughts, creations, and ideas. So, that is what this is going to be all about.......the projects that are out there, whether original or our own, that can be completed in an afternoon but with a wonderful "bang for your buck" end result. I will be posting each Thursday with one of these type projects and hope that somewhere along the way others will want to join the fun as well. All you have to do is let me know you want to participate in this Thursday event so I can add you to the "participant's list" and grab my "Button button" on my sidebar (which will be ready SOON, but not quite yet) to link back to all the other participants that decide to join us along the way......Right now, I'm the only one, and it may continue to be that way, but I will still offer up what I think to be a fabulous, quick project that anyone can complete in an can be food, clothing, art.......anything!

The first quick project is this wonderful embroidered button idea... made simply by using small embroidery from old dresser scarves, hankys, or table linens and self covering buttons.......All you have to do is cut your design using the pattern you find inside the package of metal self covering buttons you buy at any fabric store and follow the simple directions for using the particular brand of buttons you buy. Can you just imagine how beautiful these would be piled in a crystal bowl......or use them in other projects on frames, clothing, jewelry, or millions of other things........look for these to start "appearing" on some of my Heart & Soul Bags and Sweaters soon
Wanna play?......grab by button and comment to let me know to include you......


  1. Hi Jana! Love your button idea! Count me in as a participant. Happy New Year to you!

  2. I love the button idea. They are so pretty. I can see many wonderful uses for those.

  3. Great idea Jana. I will really enjoy watching this.

  4. Jana,

    I think this is a great idea, and i have tons I could share. I'm into quick and easy!

    Please let me know when this 'officially' starts.
    I won't add your button till I hear from you.


    barbara jean

  5. Love it!! Happy New Year to you and yours!!!

    :) Mona

  6. ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!! Love the buttons! Such a cute idea! Charlene


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.