December 21, 2009

I just love Christmas!

Family and traditions are a wonderful don't really realize that you are building your own traditions until your children grow up and start talking about all they love about the then realize the tassies are important, and that Christmas just isn't "Christmas" without the homemade peanut brittle. Yesterday my daughter spent the day with me as we baked, and talked, and talked some more. She learned how to make the delicious pecan tassies she has known since she was little and why they are so important in our family.......and how not to use a non microwave bowl to make your peanut brittle as it breaks and causes a huge mess to clean up.........we are a small family, but an extremely close one and I am so thankful they are mine. Here's hoping your holiday is as special as our families' and that love abounds!

Kristi's childhood stocking has hung on my mantel since her very first Christmas.....this year it goes to her home with her husband and new baby girl, Tater......

And, of course, Eddie's stocking.....because you are NEVER too old for a special stocking.

Tater's stocking....just needs her name added and it's ready for Santa......

Traditions and family are the absolute best, and so very, very important. As this Christmas week begins, I hope you are surrounded by those you love and hold true to your beliefs and traditions....whether new or old.

blessings, jana


  1. Peacan Tassies are one of my favorites! Family traditions are wonderful and so important for everyone. Thanks for sharing and Happy Holidays! Warm hugs, Esther

  2. The stockings look GREAT!!!!! So glad you & Kristi had your special time together baking & talking. And oh what a mess to clean up with the peanut brittle!!!! Poor Kristi!!!! The tassies look yummy. Charlene

  3. The tassies and peanut brittle look so yummy!
    I'm a new blogger, been reading everyone else's blogs for sometime and am so inspired. I too love repurposing things and making my nest a haven for my hubby and 5 fur-babies. Please visit my new blog anytime and check out my home and my wonderful adopted babies. They are all from the humane assoc, which I am a volunteer/board member. Your pets are gorgeous. So tickled that they are all inside and looked warm, full and very loved. Just like mine!!!

    Merry Christmas and hugs to you and the critters too!

  4. Hi Jana...sorry I missed your open house but this Christmas season has just been crazy for me. The time just slips through my fingers.

    Love Tater's stocking (& Kristi's too!)...they're just beautiful! I've been busy baking w/ the grands, shopping & trying to get everything done...hope you & your family have a wonderful Christmas!

  5. I can almost taste the goodies. The stockings bring back so many special memories. Hope for you and your family a blessed holiday season.
    Carolyn xo

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Dear Jana,
    you are so right about family and traditions. Thank you so much for giving us food for thought over this holiday season. And speaking of food, OMGosh, your pecan tassies look great and bet taste even better!!!
    Love your stockings - so precious.
    Wish you and yours a blessed Christmas

  8. Love traditions!

    Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas!


  9. Hi Jana,
    Just found you.

    Yummy place you have here.

    Also, just saw you are having a drawing in Jan

    please enter my name


    barbara jean


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