December 10, 2009

It's Not Too Early to Start Thinking About the New Year......

As I prepare for the holidays here at the shoppe and most importantly, at home for my family, I cannot help but also think about what the next year will bring and all that I want to do. Ideas are rolling 'round in this little head of mine and all will be defined in writing after the first of the year, but the ONE thing I could do NOW was to put the first quarter workshops and classes out there. Anyone in the area just might want to ask Santa for one of these wonderful classes, so I wanted to get them to everyone as soon as we had them. We will be adding a few more, like the glitter houses, the lace bottles, and such....but those dates have to be firmed up. Take a look at for all the info you might need....and feel free to call with any questions......make 2010 the year you "learn it all"......have a great evening!!


  1. I am also looking forward to the new year... new plans, ideas, and hopes. Blessings!

  2. I would so love to be able to attend one or all of these classes! I am such a hands-on learner, I really could benefit HUGELY from having a master instructor like you.

    I so appreciate your wonderfully wise comments on my last post, I agree 100%, it just isn't my time yet. And I'm tired. I need to rest.

    I'm going to see if maybe I can muster up some sort of project for your contest, but Jana, I am truly hopeless in this area! Send me some re-purposing mojo for Christmas, k? ;-)

    Love ya,

  3. Wonderful stufff! I have many ideas in my head too but seem to be a little stuck at the moment. Best of luck with all your classes. Blessings :) Tammy

  4. How pretty everything is! I love those necklaces, so sweet they are. Happy Holidays!

  5. Hello my friend Jana. I wish I could attend your classes, bummer.

    I just wanted to stop by an wish you a Merry Christmas. I am busy sewing, crocheting, binding, decorating, parting, and familying that I don't think I'll be back until after the Hollidays. I bless you and your family all of God's greatest blessings.



Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.