December 26, 2009

It's Not Too Late to Win........

Was December as much a blur for you as it was for me???? It seems we are going at such a fast speed all month that when it is here and gone, we wonder what happened........ I just realized I never even posted WHAT the monthly giveaway was for December......what was I even thinkin! Because I had such a tremendous response to the wire hand made Victorian cones I'm just gonna make that this month's giveaway as well. win the drawing, just comment for one chance and follow for two chances.......anyone that has already done that this month will be included as well, but it doesn't hurt to comment again :)
Here's hoping everyone had as wonderful a Christmas as my family did and also, a huge "thank you" to everyone that was so sweet to send me wonderful words of encouragement.......
you are the very best!


  1. You are so right about the month flying by but, when I think of it, the whole year has seemed to be this way! I cannot believe we will be heralding in another new year in a few days!

    Hope you had a Merry Christmas!


  2. Hi Jana sweetie...
    I received the most wonderful box last week, with the most beautiful 5 cones in them I have ever seen. I cannot begin to tell you the excitement when I pulled them out of the box.
    I added white poinsettias to each one for the holidays and hung them. They are just beautiful. I have never seen anything quite like them before. So many people complimented me on them. Thank you so much for the wonderful treasure.

    I have been a little under the weather. My blood sugars aren't the best of late. I have an appointment this next week with the Endocronologist, so hopefully she can enlighten me on some of my latest problems. Maybe time for another med change? I was hoping we would stop at(5)shots, I don't want any more than that a day.

    Hope you enjoyed your Christmas. Did you get to see Tater? She is so sweet.

    God Bless you Jana. I am so thrilled that I had the pleasure of meeting you in 2009. I look forward to 2010.

    Country hugs sweetie...Sherry

  3. Hi there! Oh, I'm so glad you're offering the cones as the giveaway again! I know I would love those.

    I'm already a follower and glad of it...

    Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)

  4. Ohhh, the cones are ever so lovely and I would be so happy to win. I'm already a happy follower..
    and would like to wish you a most happy and wonderful New Year. May it be one of the best ever..

  5. I was wondering if i had missed the giveaway! Glad to know I'm not loosing it. Please include me in this giveaway!


  6. I follow your blog!


  7. I just found your blog and have been enjoying
    reading it...wonderful treasures...I would love
    to be entered in your giveaway...
    and yes the month and year has went to very fast...Blessings for the New Year...
    Sweet Blessings...

  8. I am following and have you added to my blog roll..Thanks

  9. Oh Please enter my name!!

    I am already a follower.

    blessings and thanks

    barbara jean

  10. How wonderful :) Please enter me, I am already a follower.


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.