January 28, 2010

Even a Blind Hog Can Find an Acorn Every Once in a While.......

One of my goals this year is to bring new and different merchandise into the store on a very regular basis. Not just things that "find me", as most of them do, because I just never have the time to get out and about. I promised myself to make a monthly trip to Canton each month, which means I have to close the shoppe for the day so it had better be a productive shopping trip for me. You can imagine how disappointed I was this morning when the major thunderstorms were on their way with freezing rain behind them......I mean, I am a shopping warrior, but I'm not stupid. There was no way I was going to Canton Trade Days, driving almost three hours each way, just to be miserable. Fortunately, I have a few favorite haunts around the metroplex where, if I feel like digging, I can usually come away with a few treasures....still, it's always a crap shoot to say the least. Plus the fact that I was going with "rules".......I had a hundred dollars in my pocket and that was going to be "it"...no debit cards, no ATM....nothing. .....also, everything had to fit in my SUV and I already had a couple of items in the back that needed to be unloaded. I was determined to stick to my guns and play by the rules, as difficult as I knew that could be....
However, when the morning started it didn't appear that I was going to run out of money, much less break my rules. BUT, if you've ever heard the expression "even a blind hog can find an acorn every once in a while", then you know there is always hope.........I kept diligent as I had a mission and have to tell you that I only made three of my five scheduled stops before my hundred bucks was history. Still, I think I did good.....you decide. I got a total of 25 items and came home with $5.00......but it started pretty rough as these pictures attest....

The worst of the worst..............And it didn't look like it was going to get much better......

But this is what I ended up with for the day........it even includes some major rust, just to prove I love it all!
A great old mirror.......wonderful just for leaning against the wall.

A few close ups of my "finds"....this shelf will, of course, be white or maybe robin egg blue.Hand carved.....needs to be a shabby white, don't you think?

I can never pass up an old coin purse or needle packet.

I can never resist the bronzed baby shoes......and have never seen a Mary Jane shoe....it's so adorable.....AND cut and pressed glass with sterling tops...

And some more close-ups....I collect Mother prints and hang them on one wall in my guest bedroom.......Complete books of old sheet music....can't have enough of this stuff.

I had to buy these lamps ??? just to get the beautiful lacey antique shades....oh, well..

My two best finds.....both hand painted and absolutely gorgeous!

And one more of these for me.....

To add to all of these........
You gotta wonder why I wanted this little guy.......

Cause I already have a whole lot of them and isn't it the rule you have to own them all or your collection doesn't count?.......:)

Hope you enjoyed my treasure hunt......and it was indeed that. I don't think I have ever seen so much useless junk in my whole life....but then again, I don't shop at the obvious places...I mean, anyone can find a treasure at an antique mall or estate sale, right? You gotta go where the weak dare not go....or as my husband says....where only Jana or the brave venture.........and the scarey thing is.....all these places know me by name, making them not so scarey after all!

Only two days left in this month to comment and/or follow to win twelve vintage hankies....and I promise to send the winner some of the best....

Make Your Day Great,

xo, jana


  1. Jana, you got some wonderful stuff and to stay within your budget was great also...Now you can go to Mc Donald's for a "Happy" meal..hope you have a great weekend my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  2. The handpainted items are gorgeous. I think you've done very well on your outing today. Stayed within your budget and got nice items.

  3. Ahhh...I want to come along for the ride the next time!!!

    You done good:)

  4. You did great in your treasure hunt! Love the mirror..and sheet music..I love to decoupage with this..lining drawers or boxes! I also go into places only the brave dare go! It was nice having you stop by my place..and look at my dream home! :-)

  5. I sooo enjoyed this posting, Jana! Perhaps because it reminds me so much of myself! My favorite thrift shop or garage sale is one that I have to sift through, because I know there just has to be some treasure laying dormant in there! I think you found it all today and at bargain prices too!

  6. Lots of wonderful finds and you stuck to the rules so looks like it was a successful outing. Great collection of rolling pins! Always love handpainted items and the wooden Rejoice sign is lovely. Lots of great stuff. Have a good weekend. :) Tammy

  7. Great finds! I love the little cradles. Kerrie

  8. Cool! And if anyone wants to have THEIR baby shoes bronzed, check out www.abcbronze.com. More sentimental parents are having this done again.


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.