January 11, 2010

December's Giveaway Winner Is.......Rose!

of http://my-bella-rosa.blogspot.com .....thank you everyone for commenting and choosing to follow during the very busy month of December. The giveaway continues, so comment and/or follow and be the lucky one for January!


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog and showering me with those wonderful comments! I, sincerely, appreciate it, Jana. And, I cannot believe how Miss Sterling has grown! Enjoy every moment you have with her.

  2. Jana,
    Thanks for the note about quick treasures Thursday.

    Could you remind me what we are doing?? =)
    Would something like that little pink photo album be OK?
    I'll wait to do anything till i get an email from you.
    In the meantime, I'll try to find the post you did about it and look it over. I'm so forgetful!

    thanks and blessings

    barbara jean

  3. Jana amor, I was reading my email...the wonderful Dawn of The Feathered Nest set it up so that when I get comments on my blog it forwards it to my email :) Such a great idea! Anyways I saw your comment and I was just so happy...I think I scared pudge (our maltese) with my excitement lol Thank you ever so much! It will look beautiful in my studio! Besos, Rose

    ps..I love that picture of Sterling asleep with her mama...so beautiful :)

  4. That Rose is a lucky girl. Count me in for this months giveaway!

    Enjoy your evening!


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.