January 2, 2010

Shhhhhh.....Punkin's Sleepin!

Kick back and relax......it's all good.........just don't wake Punkin.......it's a day of rest:)


  1. Punkin is one furry kitty. Amazing how they can curl up and sleep in the most unusual positions. Our Jingles is the same color but not quite so fuzzy. Wishing you a warm and wonderful day. Tammy

  2. Punkin is beautiful. My Frisky looks much like Punkin but not near as fluffy. Have a wonderful Sunday.

  3. What a cutie she is. Just read you're last post, good thoughts about this new year and life in general!
    Have a great Sunday!

  4. Your cats make for some of the best photo opportunities. Remember the day at the store when the two of them were all curled up together. This one is almost as good.

    Thank you for your hugs, prayers & support for Reba & I. I am waiting with baited breath for bloodwork results on Monday. You are right in that she just doesn't understand any of this & WHY I would go & leave her when she feels soooooooooo bad. Hugs! Charlene


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