February 22, 2010

Finding Your Sunshine.....

Happy Monday Everyone!

It remains overcast and grey here in North Texas making winter seem even longer than it ever was before......the rose bushes are putting out leaves and trying to bring us spring, but it's just not happening yet.

Still, you have to pull your sunshine from somewhere, so I have started sorting my shoppe photos and finding smiles in seeing it progress to the beautiful place it has become today.......

I wanted to share a few of them with you so you can have a peek at my little everyday world.

My daughter constantly asks me if I know how lucky I am.......my answer is always "absolutely", knowing all along that the "harder you work, the luckier you get"......

If it was easy, everyone would be doing it :)

Thank you for stopping by today....
I always love it when you come!


  1. Beautiful Shop Jana! Yes you are very lucky !
    Wonderful place to shop and draw inspiration from.. I wish we lived closer!

  2. Yesterday was beautiful, I worked in the yard and today is dreary and ucky,if thats a word. I'll try to get by to get my stool and table soon. Hope you have a great day.
    Hugs, Pat

  3. Your shop is so pretty and I wish I could visit but I think we are miles apart. However, it is nice that I can come here and see it anytime I want.
    I am going to check out your etsy shop right now.


  4. Your shop is absolutely beautiful! So much eye candy! You make it look effortless, Jana, because it is a passion. We all can only imagine the hours you put into this passion!

  5. Jana it's all so beautiful, just beautiful. Enjoy every minute of it. And I'll enjoy every picture.

  6. Your shop certainly shows you put a lot of work in making it appealing Jana....
    It's a eye catcher for sure-

    Enjoy your Evening*


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.