February 3, 2010

Quick Project Thursday #4

Welcome to the fourth Quick Project Thursday where I share, of all things, "quick projects" ;) I found this little "bronzed" (but I actually think it's copper dipped) shoe last week. I had never seen a Mary Jane shoe done this way and fell in love. I thought it would be precious just as it is with paper clips on your desk, but have always loved unusual pincushions as well. The project was very simple and took about 45 minutes to complete. It's a great way to reuse these wonderful little treasures.......even though you never knew the child who once wore the little shoe....here goes......

1. Cut a rectangle piece of fabric for the under layer of your pincushion, sewing up three of the four sides.

2. Stuff the little "pillow" very tightly with fiberfill or cotton working it down into the shoe form with the open side down against the inside sole of the shoe.

3. Poke your finger down in the shoe and up and under the stuffing, pushing it up tightly against the top for a taunt surface for the pins to stick into.

4. Cut a square of lace or overlay sheer fabric to cover the pincushion with and tuck it down over the pincushion pillow into the sides of the shoe, allowing enough inside to be glued in place.

5. Working quickly....run a small bead of hot glue around the edges of the shoe and hold the fabric cushion in place until tightly inside....do this in sections if you like.
6. Adorn the front center of the shoe, if desired, with little millinery flowers or ribbon.

Viola' ....you're done!

And you end up with a precious little one of a kind pincushion.....or even use it for paperclips and such......very easy and "just too cute"!
Thanks for stopping by and feel free to join us next week..
...we'd love to have you.

xo, jana


  1. Now, this is just too stinkin' cute for words!! I have such a thing for old baby shoes anyway, and this is an adorable and useful lil piece now!! You did a great job!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  2. How cute is this?????? Just too darling!

    I am swamped with orders but trying to take a few min tonight to visit my favorite peeps :)

    xoxo, LuLu

  3. This is adorable Jana!!!! I love lil' shoes and how cool that you turned a bronze shoe into a pincushion! Plus I love the little nook for pins too....I hope you're having a great week ~ xxoo, Dawn

  4. Super duper cute!
    But you do know that you lost me at the word "sew", right?

    Would any sort of glue work???


  5. Oh so sweet! Great idea for that shoe.

    Thanks for coming by
    I' anxious to see your tea bag roses when done. =)))


    barbara jean

  6. LOVE this idea, Jana!! Will have to try something along this same idea too, when I can! I know I have some baby shoes around.. on hand for doll making.. So I'll have to hunt those down! Since the move, my craft supplies are not yet in order. Sorry I could not participate this week.. The timing just wasn't there for me; but I hope to next week, as I will try to plan ahead a little better! Maybe people can look at my Blue Monday post to see about my wooden shutter idea?.. If they like? ~tina

  7. Hey Jana...I'm finally back online (had a trojan)& I will have a Quick Project post up next Thursday. Hope you're doing well...see ya soon.

  8. I really like this project, Jana. I am working on my laundry sewing room, and I think a baby shoe pincushion would "fit" right in. Now, I just have to remember where I put that bronze shoe! Thank you for a grand idea!

  9. Jana amor, what a pretty project! I love how the gorgeous lil bebe shoe pin cusion came out, I also collect bronzed bebe shoes and sometimes I have been lucky enough to find them without being on a base...I will have to try this idea :) I also wanted to thank you Jana, I received my package yesterday and I just LOVE my cones (flower pockets) that you made, I am now looking for beautiful dried hydrangeas and roses to put inside them...The color is perfect for my home. THANK YOU~ Besos, Rose

  10. Oh my goodness this will work for me too...I have ONE shoe from my oldest daughter that I had bronzed...actually had them both bronzed...but when I divorced her father, I gave him one of her shoes.
    WHAT a darling idea for it...I can put it on my desk and enjoy seeing it everyday and it would be useful too.

    Thanks, Rose http://delightfulclutter.blogspot.com/


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.