February 10, 2010

Quick Project Thursday #5~Domino Bracelet

Sometime ago I stopped at a garage sale and found a whole box of old dominoes. The sweet old man had no idea why I wanted all of them, but was glad to see them go. I gave him his $8.00 and walked away with about 300 dominoes....having absolutely no idea what I was going to do with them......but

Recently I decided to try something with them and it quickly became my project for this Thursday..........
The first thing you are going to want to do is to find someone else to drill the holes for you (lol), as this is the most difficult thing about this project. I say that because I used the bakelite dominos and even using a drill press and diamond drill bit, they had a tendancy to crumble. I would say we ruined three to every one we got right. Soooo, with that having been said, I recommend you start out using the wooden dominoes as they are easier to drill and there is no waste.....and you can do it yourself if you have the correct tools. You will still need a drill press to make this project easier and to get the holes perfectly straight through the wood.

Mark your domino approximately 3/8" in on each end and drill straight through approximately six dominoes at each end. If you want your bracelet smaller, use less......larger, use more :)

Use the clear stretch jewelry elastic found at JoAnn's or Michaels.....Hobby Lobby might have it as well, I just don't shop there unless I just have to. Measure around your wrist and cut the length to fit. Because you are going to be knotting the elastic it is okay to cut the actual measurement of your wrist.

Thread the elastic through the first hole of the domino and add a bead of your choice...

Repeat this until all dominoes chosen have been used, making sure there is a bead at the end.

Using your best Girl Scout skills, knot the elastic.....

Repeat on the bottom hole....

Viole'....you're done!

The bracelets are so cool because they can also be turned inside out for a "plain" look......get funky and create your own artwork on the flat sides......sheet music, rub ons, paint....whatever!
Thanks for stopping by....check my sidebar to see the other's playing today and feel free to join us when you can....we'd love to have you!


  1. These braclets are just sp pretty..I love them. Thank you so much for sharing them with us..

  2. No stinkin way! You never stop do you? Every time you switch your brain on, it comes up with something AMAZING! LOVE That Idea. LOVE the purple one! SO COOL!!!! Thanks! Karyn

  3. Very clever! These look amazing, Jana. ~ Angela

  4. So cute and clever!!

    Thanks for hosting.


    barbara jean

  5. What a clever, creative make-over Jana! I did do a Quick Project post today...just bear in mind that you said it needed to be quick. ;o)

  6. Hi Jana! LOVE these bracelets!! I know I have some dominoes in my craft stash.. I just have to FIND them!!.. I did post a quick craft today!.. So I hope you'll stop by! Thanks! ~tina


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