February 5, 2010

A Sweet Pink Saturday

I look forward to Saturdays because I get to share the beautiful pink things that have made their way into my life over the years......and for someone that really didn't like this color for the majority of my life, I find it very curious that I now have so very much of it.....hmmm, gotta wonder what that's all about.....

This is an old wooden box I made over 15 years ago. It is covered in antique tea stained laces and adorned with my Grandmother's broken costume jewelry. The beaded pieces are from my daughter's competition skating dresses. The jewelry had so much meaning and the beading was just priceless as it represents so much time and so many memories. The box holds a journal I wrote in during a very difficult year of my life.....it's all just very precious to me for so many different reasons.

And, of course,
my absolute favorite saying......

there is my collection of crocheted hearts.....although I have over 50, these are the only two pink ones, and my favorites as well.

This sweet little
lavender organza sachet is something I'm making to attach to clothing hangers for your closet as they are a natural moth repellant.

Then there
is my reproduction "wannabe" yard long Paul De Longpre. I have always wanted one of the antique lithographs in it's original frame, but just can't make myself pay that much for the water stained pieces on Ebay. Maybe I'll just buy a Christie Repasey instead......one of these days ;)

I thank Beverly, our wonderful weekly host, for keeping up with all the "pinks and participants." If you share our love of the color pink, use the button on my sidebar and see what the others have for you this week.....it's always like a big pink hug!


  1. As a fellow lover of everything PINK, I surely enjoyed your blog today. That box is so phenomenal! You are very talented and I've never seen anything quite like it. I wish that I had that kind of talent. I'm just struggling through painting my bathroom. I've been at it for 3 months now!!!!!! LOL

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment. I have been looking over your post and I cannot believe that I have not seen you before. Your blog is lovely and so is your Pink Saturday post. I love your memory box, what a sweet and endearing keepsake. Your pinks are so pretty.


  3. What a sweet box you created! An heirloom, for sure. I love the crocheted hearts ~ I just bought one last week at an estate sale!

    Happy PS!!

    Angelic Accents

  4. Jana I adore your repro yard long. Maureen and I were just discussing yard longs this week! All of your pinks are gorgeous, but my fave has to be the jewelry box you created. It is fabulous! Thank you for visiting my blog today and for your sweet comment. Have a lovely weekend. ~ Angela

  5. Hi, Jana,
    I love all of your pretty pinks!! The box you made is gorgeous and holds so many happy memories! You have shown two of my favorite things: hearts and roses!! Happy Pink Saturday to you and enjoy your weekend! Vicki

  6. Your box is beautiful as it was made with love and holds so many memories. Those crocheted heart pillows are wonderful -- I love hearts and crocheted items. You are always creating such wonderful things. Blessings, Tammy

  7. Love that box. Happy Pink Saturday. Please don't forget to visit me. It is your only chance to enter my giveaway.

  8. That looks just like a delicious, decadent jewelry cake! ;-)

    Too pretty.

    Have a great weekend!

  9. Happy Pink Saturday!

    It's true! You always have pretty pinks.

    ~ Gabriela ~

  10. The wooden box you made, Jana, is beautiful, and I LOVE those crocheted hearts too! I did not participate in Pink Saturday this week, as I am falling behind in a few things this week! Have a craft in mind for Thursday, so we'll see.. Happy Pink Saturday to you nevertheless! Hope you're enjoying the weekend! ~tina

  11. Oh Jana...I love the box you made out of all the special items...how precious!


  12. Happy Pink Saturday, Jana! Such pretty pinks you have! The box is so pretty! Wonderful treasure! Loving the crochet hearts!

    My pink post is late today; that dang post scheduler! I'll get it right one day ha!

    Hope you can still stop by for a vitit!

    Have a lovely Pink weekend!

  13. Happy Pink Saturday. The box with all the sea shells is beautiful. I love those pineapple crochet pieces. What a great Pink post. I have enjoyed visiting your lovely blog. I hope you have a wonderful new week.

  14. Your memory box is so beautiful. Jana...your artistic talent is a given, but the sentiment that encompasses the entire piece is what is so special. There is a lot of love coming from that box....I could just feel it even before I read your words.

  15. You have shared some very interesting pinks! I especially love your box with the memories attached. What a great idea to do with memorabilia. My dds are both synchronized swimmers with lots of bling on their show suits so you are giving me a great idea. I liked your crochet covered hearts, too. Thanks for sharing.


  16. Oh Jana I love that box...You really did a beautiful job on it..I also have a special project I did to help me thru some challanging times..and I often look at it and always am amazed at the beauty and the emotion attached to it! I always treasure mine. Marlene


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