February 17, 2010

Sweet Whites for Wednesday......

Welcome to another White Wednesday hosted by Kathleen of Faded Charm. I don't have many whites this week, but the ones I am sharing are very special to me as they combine my love of buttons AND lace....

This box is one I made about 15 years ago as a Bride's Box. Once it was made, I was so in love with the finished product that I kept it for myself......you know, as a dealer you get to do that, don't you? We all keep the best and sell the rest, or that is my philosophy :) It is simply an old wooden box with fragments of an antique tablecloth, beads, trim, and buttons. Alot more could have been added, but I loved the understated elegance.

The button box is really much more beautiful in real life as these pictures just don't do it justice. It is simply a vintage jewelry box covered in vintage buttons stacking them one on top of the other. The trick here is to be meticulous with the glue so none is seen. My daughter did a beautiful job on the piece and it is so very sweet.

I apologize for my lack of photos this week.....there's so much going on, but I just couldn't go without posting something on one of my favorite days of the week. As a shameless plug, I have added quite a few new things to my Etsy and Ebay if you find time to pop in. And do make sure you visit Kathleen using the button on mysidebar so you can see the other players this week.....it is always a feast for the senses.
As always, thank you for stopping by.....I love your visits!


  1. These are both wonderful. I've never seen a box covered with white buttons like that. I love it! Thanks for sharing.

    Enjoy your WW.


  2. thanks for a wonderful post..once again...

    i'm a new blogger...just snitching
    your button and going over to put
    it on my blog...

    be well...


  3. thanks so much for following my blog.....

    enjoy that little miss sterling......


  4. Hi
    Your button box is amazing...I love it!

  5. Those boxes are fabulous!!!!You have inspired me:)I just became a follower of your blog and will be back to say hello:)
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  6. Jana amor, I think your wedding box is so beautiful, I don't blame you at all for keeping it :) and your button box, wow, looks like you did alot of work, but it looks so lovely with all the different buttons :) Besos, Rose

    Ps...I was wondering if you still had some dried hydrangeas, I could buy from you..please let me know :)

  7. Lovely box! Especially the button box. I heart buttons.

  8. I agree...very pretty...and yes, as dealers, we do keep the best of the hunt for ourselves!

  9. The boxes are awsome Jana, Love the lace and pearls. Hope your having a great day.
    Hugs, Pat

  10. I love this Jana....it's beautiful. I love, love, love white buttons :)


  11. I Love the Brides Box & the Button Box.... I have a button box my children made for me years ago, I will have to find that to post on a W.W.
    Have a Wonderful Week

  12. Both boxes are beautiful! Looks like a lot of work and love went into them.

  13. Jana,

    Just letting you know I do not have a post up for tomorrow.
    Will hope to be back next week.


    barbara jean

    PS May poke around old posts and see if I can find anything.

  14. OK sweetie,
    Put an old post up. A quick little birdy re-do for the newbies at my place.


    barbara jean

  15. Hi there, Its my first visit to your lovely blog.
    The bridal box you made is just beautiful, no wonder you kept it.
    How amazing that you own an antique store, I bet youve seen some truely special treasures.



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