April 23, 2010

It's a Random Post.....{But Right on Target}

It seems that from this point forward, until May 15th, all I can think about or prepare for is the Trade Days Flea Market I host each May and October.
The banners for the May 15th sale went
Up on the building today reminding everyone that passes by when the sale will be this year.
This will be the seventh sale since I've opened.
I always tell my daughter after each one that I don't think I will do the sales anymore.
But then, just like the pain of childbirth, you forget the bad and remember the good,
And do it all over again.......silly, silly me (:o)
I'm really, really excited about the caliber of dealers I have this year.
I downsized the number of dealers this year so I had
The ability to do an "invitation only" venue.
Not all are seasoned dealers, which makes it great. They bring their families estates for a one time sale, but they also bring items when have not ever been for sale before.
I call these "virgin treasures".
I also have a long time Warrenton dealer and a couple of ones that do Canton.
And then several regulars that everyone looks forward to each sale......
So, I am excited this year.....and I can't wait to SHOP!
With the roses right below........
And then, just something that came my way today.
An absolutely gorgeous antique secretary
I am one lucky

Thank you for stopping by today......have a beautiful & blessed weekend!


  1. Those roses are so beautiful, and that Side by Side Secretary..LOVE IT!! I have one in my dining room, it's Oak, with lots of carvings and appliques. It's the one piece of antique furniture that I will never paint. I love it just the way it is :) Have yourself a wonderful weekend, warmest always, Brenda

  2. Wow Jana that is one gorgeous secretary! you are a lucky girl...your sale sounds so fun, wish I lived closer!

  3. The roses are fabulous and I am coveting that secretary! Gawgus!

    Wishing you a lovely weekend,

  4. I'll miss vending this year...the flea market is just so special! Love these roses...and that secretary is beyond beautiful! ~ Angela

  5. OMG!! I would die to have that secretary!! Stunning!!


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