May 22, 2010

~~~~~Sad......Then Glad~~~~~

Look at this wonderful old house.
Built in the early 30's near Downtown Arlington, but long ago abandoned. It sold at auction about six years ago for $450,000.00 but was forfeited years later to the City for back taxes......and that is where the sad part comes in.
It is under abatement and scheduled to be demolished sometime within the next two week.
The Historic Society was able to take all things of value out, including the cupola I always coveted, the old door knobs, and banister.
At least some of it was saved, but still very sad, as we as a City seem to do this a lot.
I'm not sure when we will ever value our past as other City's seem to do......... The glad part about this story is the fact I was able to obtain the wonderful old wrought iron fencing that spent all those years on the big front porch. I watched the last three weeks as more and more the house "disappeared" and wondered why the railings didn't go.
Finally, I called the City and got permission to remove them for my very own.
This is just one side of the fencing and the opposite one mirrors this, of course.
There was also a small porch rail that came home with me as well.

And you can now see why I wanted these so much. My building was built in 1953, and although I adore it, the architecture is.....well, 50's with not a lot going on.
I know I saved my building from being torn down.
I have now received two historical markers for this and am very proud to have received is the very first building to have been recognized from the "mid century"....can we say that now and still mean the 50's?
Anyway, it is.

And now
it has just a little more character with the railings out front.
I plan on having a plaque made to honor the "Purvis House" and
To recognize the City for allowing me to have these.
I smile each time I see them......

Thank you for stopping by today.
I always love it when you come.
Have a beautiful weekend!


  1. The railings look very nice in the front of your home. I'm glad you were able to salvage them.
    Seems as though the city council just likes tearing down old homes, go figure!

    The plaque sounds nice.


  2. These are in front of my store....not my home:)


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