June 2, 2010

Button~Button, Whose Got......the diamond ring????

I am not exaggerating when I tell you I probably have 25,000 buttons.
I buys jars, bags, tins, and cards and cards of them......always have.
It has not been until this week I decided to start sorting and separating the older, nicer ones into separate containers.
You can imagine my surprise....and delight......when that old jar of buttons that I've had on the shelf for five plus years yielded something more than just buttons.
Inside I found this beautiful half carat diamond engagement ring.
Of course, it was dirty and tarnished and certainly not in this little box.....
Once it was cleaned, I was amazed at what I had found...
And what I had for who knows how long.
The moral to this story and my own personal
life lesson....
Pay Attention!
Thanks for stopping by today.
May your week bring you diamonds in the rough
Really cool buttons :)


  1. AWESOME!!!! What a great surprise:)
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  2. Oh my!!!!!!! Such a wonderful surprise..If I had found such a treasure..I would have simply fainted..then I would have happy danced. But,you know...I would be just as happy with that many buttons. They're one of my favorite things..I love,love,love..did I mention I love buttons?????

  3. WOW Jana what a great surprise! How blessed you are...
    Have a wonderful week!

  4. You have got to be kidding! Beautiful ring ~ I love the setting, too!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  5. Getting organized can be profitable! What beautiful bling, Jana!

  6. Wow, it makes me wonder how it ended up in there....I wonder what the story might be, a broken engagement or broken heart?
    Thanks for sharing!

  7. Now that is amazing. Absolutely amazing. I wonder who it belonged to? It's almost kind of sad for something like that to turn up in of all places, a jar of buttons.
    I love buttons too - it's hard to pass them up. You can use them in so many things. I found 8 BEEEEUTIFUL pink rhinestone buttons, they are so heavy - when I was in Savannah in April. LOVE THEM!
    I'm trying not to hard though . . . it's HARD!
    ;) thanks for joining in with the sorority. I think it's going to be fun!
    HAGD! Karen

  8. That's sort of like life, huh? Sift through your little blessings, and you find something REALLY precious.

    BTW, Jana, I am in need of some fine buttons and middle-quality chains for current projects. Will you be selling from your collection?

  9. Wow! who knew a bunch of buttons could hold secret treasures?

  10. I will bet that ring was HID in there for some reason...or maybe after a Divorce..it was "thrown" in there.....would be REALLY interesting to find out the REST OF THE STORY.


  11. I just found your Blog and I love it...you have such beautiful things..I look forward to reading about all your adventures. Thanks , too for all the good ideas. Kay


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