June 18, 2010

Where THIS Blogger Creates..Welcome to The Party!!

I couldn't be more excited to participate in this special event hosted by
We are all so good at sharing what we have created, that it is fun to see where it all started.
My studio is approximately 700 square feet and is housed within my Shoppe.
Because of this, it is visible to customers and needs to be attractive and "blend" with the antiques and collectibles I sell daily.
This is what the customers see at the back of the East wing of the building, and it is separated by a swing door "Shades of Pale" which is simply an old headboard turned upside down with swing hinges.
It does a good job of separating the spaces and politely lets people know it is not a "public" space. But the majority of the customers coming in really, really want to go back there because of all the things they see. You look to the right and see the area used for painting.
Then the work table on the right. The fabric skirts hide all the the antique lamp parts and supplies I don't need on a daily basis.
The antique white washed tall column is my "inspiration pole".. I tack up inspirational creations I find in magazines and such.
The picture of Janis Joplin is just because I like her, and she makes me smile.

As you scan your eyes to the left you find an identical table, skirted to again hide mosaic china pieces, laces, fabrics, and my computer. You can't see the computer because I hide it behind a small table screen.....it is the one I use for labels, image transfers, and other paper projects, and I just don't like looking at it daily. The big overhead door leads to the back lot where we have the Trade Days Flea Market twice a year. The French doors allow wonderful natural lighting and are covered in antique lace panels, and the overhead door pulls down at night.

There are about five different work stations within the Studio. Below is a collage of my sewing area. It probably has the least amount of space delegated to it because I work better in a small area when sewing. Before I had the Shoppe, I always had to share my sewing room with the washer, the dryer, the heating unit, and the hot water heater. I just learned to sew in a very compact space and still feel better doing so......drives my daughter crazy to see how much I have in such a little corner....still, it works for me.

I also paint and have an area set up for just that. I never know when I might like to simply pick up a brush, and it is nice to have everything out and available making that easier to do.

This is a better shot of all the buttons I have to work with, as well as some of my old frames. The big white cabinet hides my drills, staplers, and other tools that are just not that pretty.

And I always have several projects that are "in the works".
The good thing about my studio is that I can allow myself to have many projects going on at one time and be able to leave them out because of the space I have.
I jump around from area to area because that's the way my brain works.....
it just can't stay still very long.
I think most artist are like that.

These pictures are getting up close and personal with some of the materials I have stashed away for my various projects and creations.....
The chest of laces is my absolute favorite thing to dig around in.

But there's also books, bottles, frames, and lamp shades.

Old postcards, trims, jewelry findings, and old hardware.

Vintage millinery flowers, braiding, and fringes.

Boxes, old games, dolls, and more.

Keys, spools, bobbins, and beads.

And some of the creations that have come from this space. I am not passionate about just one art form, but rather love many and keep myself open to trying new things..
I adore old laces on my altered sweaters, pillows and memory books

And some handbag creations, with altered skirts....and of course....a button box.

And other small projects that keep me busy.

And a girls gotta have good lighting....
Party chandeliers are the best!
There is definite method to my madness and because I have so very much of very different things, I have to stay very organized or I know I will never be able to find anything. It is not a place of "show", but a place to work, to create, and to play.
I can loose myself for hours here.
Thank you for taking the tour of my studio today.
I know there were a lot of pictures,
but you didn't see the other 30 I took and decided to leave out....:)
I can't wait to see everyone elses studio and hope you will visit them as well.
I feel certain if real estate agents or builders see this Party, they will start calling that extra room a "Studio".....they know what we like!
Thanks again to Karen and Jo Packman for this wonderful event.
I know I had a lot of fun!


  1. I am in HEAVEN!!!! i want to come play!! I do that to, have little stations, I cant just be happy doing ONE thing! I have to have several projects going...thanks soooo much for the beautiful tour.

  2. Your creative space is totally amazing!!!!!!! How could you not be creative in such a lovely place:)
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  3. Such beauty! Such wonderful places within your space to create! You have such pretty laces! So many goodies here...I would just love to come and stay a while!

  4. Jana I would want to go back there also if I was in your shop...WOW!! lovely place to create my friend...Hope you have a GREAT weekend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  5. Jana, your space is inspiring, I can feel from the picture the mood, the creative spirit that you have created in your studio. I can understand why you can get lost in there for hours. I hope someday my studio will be such an inspiring place (since it is not done yet).

  6. Hi there!

    Your blog is stunning -- certainly wont be my last visit here. I am so excited to see all these talented women!

    I am not a seamstress and I am in such awe of all you talented ones. I am very needle thread challenged :)

    If you get a chance I would love for you to stop by... have a lil give away going on.

    Enjoy your visits -- they certainly will be tickled they stopped by your spot!


  7. Your studio is wonderful and colorful, Jana! I like your "different stations" concept. I also "flit" from one project to another too! Keeps life interesting.

  8. Love your chandilier! What a great creative space! So, many nooks and cranies. So, enjoyed my visit with you. Enjoy the rest of the party.

  9. Be still my heart. I would never ever want to go home!! Thank you for sharing!!

  10. Hi Janna! Its creative, vintage lovers heaven!!!
    I would find it very hard to get up and help customers if I was immersed in a creative fog!!! Thank you so much for sharing it all with us!
    My Desert Cottage

  11. That is an incredible space! Its so packed and yet not cluttered, wish I could learn that trick. Such wonderful treasures. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Oh. My. Gosh. Your space is spectacular. I think I could spend a week in there and still not see all the yummy goodness! Thank you so much for sharing.

  13. Hi Jana, It's wonderful, the size, and all that you have going on in there, it's just amazing. Perfect how it's right within your shop, but you can also stay busy. Love those "party" chandys!
    loved the tour,

  14. Your creative space is one that I would adore to visit!Love all the vintage treasures. And I absolutely LOVE the pics of the sweet Pyrenees doggies!! My favs!
    Best wishes,

  15. Hi Jana
    Wow and I thought I had a lot of goodies! You my friend are the queen of treasures! Love the lace and the hardware! I know what you mean about staying on task... I always feel because we sell what we make, that I should makea half dozen of something that I am working on..itis really hard for me to do more than two! I want to go on to something else. I have such a battle with that.
    Many Blessings

  16. I could move ruiht in and not come out for a month. Love your space and all your storage ideas.

  17. Wow - I want to come explore everything! Fabulous! You have a wonderful creative space and I can see you thrive in it. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

  18. What an amazing space you have created! You have inspired me to add to my own crafting area.

    I adore all of your storage solutions.

  19. wow! and so much "stuff" for creating. never-ending supplies :)

  20. Jana I am in toal awe here! You have the most beautiful things in there to create with and to inspire you. It is all just so lovely.

  21. You won't believe this, but I lost MYSELF for hours here. I couldn't get over how many lovely pieces you have to work with, the lovely space you have surrounded yourself with, and the unique storage you have created. This is one very inspirational studio.

  22. What an awesome creative space. So much to play around with. You must be in heaven when you go back there. I am bowled over by it all. Thanks for sharing.

  23. It looks like a real cozy place to create.

  24. What a terrific studio space you have! I must say the inspiration "post" and the headboard gate are my absolute favs!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  25. What a sweet space ...just darling...oh my and tons of stuff to play with!

  26. Wow, Jana...you have soooo many wonderful supplies! It's a vintage heaven! Hope you're doing well....its been rough going here but it's going.

  27. I enjoyed my visit to your creative sanctuary...so many treasures everywhere!

  28. You have a wonderful space for so many creative things. Thanks for sharing.

  29. Hi Jana,
    WOW, your studio is amazing. I can't believe all the beautiful treasures you have all around you. Thanks so much for sharing.

  30. Your space is wonderful...I visited back thru your blog and love it! I will be back for a visit, you have wonderful ideas! karen....

  31. I love your space Jana....I want to come and play there! You are SO organized. I am too. I can't work in a studio that is not organized. I have to know where everything is.

    Love to you sweet girl,

  32. Wowsers...what a cool space and awesome things you have!

  33. What a great space with so many treasures to look at! I love all the vintage fabrics, laces, doll heads, spools and well, all of it! I can see why your customers want to go back there - I sure would!

  34. Divine! I can see why your customers want to jump the gate! Thank you for sharing your amazing creative haven.

  35. What a neat space with all it's vintage yum yums. Love all that lace and all those vintage linens and things. How fun! Thanks for sharing!

  36. HI Okay I'm following because there is no way I can see everything in this short space of time,love it and hands are itching to craft. thank you for sharing your wondeful studio. if you get time pop over , HugS ~Wendy @ Blissangels

  37. Love the picture collages to show off all the nooks and crannies that are so wonderful in many of the creative spaces. What a great space you have, too! Thanks so much for sharing it!

  38. Hi Jana,

    Your studio/shoppe is so neat. I love all of your vintage goods. I wish I were close to you..I'm an incurable collector of so much vintage stuff. Thanks so much for sharing your space with me.

    I'd love for you to come stroll through my studio..it's been a long process but it's all finally finished!

    Have a wonderful day,
    Stephanie ♥

  39. Wow what a wonderful place. I love your inspiration pole and al your wonderful things to create with. I peeped through your blog too and you season trea is great. love the flags from bags. And of course your furry friends are adorable. thanks for sharing. Angela

  40. What an outstanding space/studio, you are so fortunate to have this connected to your shop. I don't see how you get it all done. Do you ever sleep?? Lol I don't think I saw anything that I didn't like so basically I love it all! Thanks so much for sharing, your sure must have fun! XOXO

  41. Wow, you have so many goodies and treasures! I love your creative space. Thanks for the tour I enjoyed my visit.

  42. I loved visiting your shop and studio. I have been a follower for a while now. I like how you can leave out a variety of projects and come back to them when the 'spirit' moves you.

    Thank you for sharing your creative space with us. Have a terrific Tuesday. ~Natalie

  43. I wish I could come and just fondle some of your goodies you have in your studio! There's no way I could stay behind that gate. Thank you so much for sharing with us!


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.