July 2, 2010

Just Lovin' Life......Happy Birthday America!

The store has been busy all week long....I am blessed.
Today, however, has been slow and quiet.
I took the opportunity to start on bolster pillows made
From vintage needlepoints and antique trims.
Sewing makes me happy. I expect Saturday to be slow as well, with the Fourth of July parade keeping me closed until about noon.......
It's a wonderful event that everyone local should experience.....
the largest in the nation, I'm told....

But we have
had rain all week long......maybe tomorrow as well.
I hope it won't spoil the day's events for everyone.

Here's hoping your holiday is full of family, friends, and love.
Happy Birthday, America.
I am so glad to call you home!


  1. Beautiful needlepoint bolsters, Jana! I have some of those myself.....need to get busy!. Have a wonderful Fourth of July!


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