July 7, 2010

Last week this beautiful Victorian jewelry box came to me.
Although it appears to simply be a large framed Dodie fashion print.... You lift the top and find the most wonderful mirror interior with a glove, hanky, and jewlery compartment for treasures.
And of course, I have to show you the newest pillows created for the Shoppe out of vintage needlepoints and trims.
As I continue to get ready for the Shoppe's Open House/Customer Appreciation on July 17th and the Dallas Flea in September.

And the
watch bracelets that I have finally found time to put together.
Years and years ago a dealer at the antique mall where I had a booth sold these sweet bracelets. I promised her I would not duplicate them........but that has been over 20 years ago and I'm pretty sure she's no longer in the business.
I've also seen these in some of the catalogs I peruse, so I don't feel so bad about having some of my own now......and they are just so much fun!

Thanks for stopping by,
I always love it when you come!

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