August 31, 2010

A Bit Overwhelmed....OK, ALOT Overwhelmed!

As I begin my fifth year in business in a freestanding location,
I find myself "back to square one".
This meaning, I have tried some other ventures
(and I don't call them adventures because there was absolutely nothing fun about them)
And have come full circle.
I have taken all of my square footage back for my own,
Leasing no spaces to outside dealers.
Not the perfect timing for accomplishing this,
But I have found life doesn't often ask you if things are convenient.
Although I have just begun reworking the space, I have chosen to focus on my clothing
And give it the full attention I hope it deserves.
This is just the beginning,
As I have a lot more to make and create before it will be fully stocked.
The clothing rods haven't even been painted yet, although they will be.
It is just another one of those times where I am most excited to share before it's complete :)
There will also be a second rod beneath the jackets for double hanging of jackets and sweaters.
This piece is going to work out wonderful for all my handbags.

Then I have also chosen to include all of my other "creations" and art in this area.
A "just Jana" zone, if you will........(I'm smirking here)

A lot more to do, but onto a good start.

I am participating in the Dallas Flea on September 11, 2010.
I will be showing some of my Steampunk Art at the Arlington Art Museum beginning September 24th, 2010.
The Collected Treasures Main Street Antique Trade Days is October 23, 2010.
And lastly, I have been invited to participate in the Ladybug Christmas Collection Sale beginning December 2, 2010.
And that would explain being overwhelmed......
But I absolutely love it!
Thanks for stopping by today,
I always love it when you come.

August 27, 2010

~~~~~Working With What You've Got~~~~

I started buying these beautiful vintage and antique wool shawls years and years ago.
I have had them all this time, however,
Not many people wear shawls anymore.
I wanted to reinvent them and give them a new life,
So this is my first "creation". Ribbons and laces have been added to each end
Then also woven into the fibers of the wool itself.

I used
several different rows of antique and vintage laces to create some dimension.
And I especially like it worn as a neck scarf.
It would look great with a skirt or jeans as well.

And then,
of course, I have a tendency to post my things before they are completely finished.
Blame it on my enthusiasm, or my lack of anything else to post about,
But I have a real bad habit of do that.
That's why I decided to show you the finished product of the lace jacket
I posted about earlier this week.
It has now had all the ribbon and detailing added, along with being tea stained.

That helps it to say "wouldn't I look beautiful on you?"
Rather than "here comes the bride"....:)

I used some of my most beautiful laces because I wanted this to be special.

The sleeves are billowy and the lace is over 60 years old.

Because the jacket is full length, I use a draping technique in the the front so as
not to inhibit walking......
Nothing graceful about looking beautiful, then falling down, huh?

Our Texas weather has cooled down somewhat....if you can call the low 90's cool,
BUT we do, and it is absolutely delicious.
Have a great weekend!

August 25, 2010

Just a Normal Day.......

I always have to smile when people tell me I have it made.
They think my life is perfect, and easy, and normal.
They don't realize that a typical morning for me would be
Feeding six large dogs.
And four neurotic cats.
Cleaning two litter boxes.
Vacuum, do laundry, load dishwasher, and water the yard .
Combine that with the occasional dead rat that must be wrestled from a Great Pyrenees
And invariably cat puke somewhere along the way.
And then I go to the Shoppe to begin my "work" day.
Add the fact that my Tatsey turned one and her Mother turned 38...all within 3 days of each other.....and each event would rival the coming of the Lord in importance, according to my daughter :).
Along with that, I have been ill for two weeks.....
Firstly with food poisoning for two days which
Was followed by an upper respiratory infection.
And the complete loss of my voice for the last four days.
All during the busiest month I have had at the Shoppe in over a year.
And you ask how I am sane?
I create....I sew....and I close it all out for just a few hours every day.
I do have the Dallas Flea coming up in September and am desperately trying to catch up
And get ready for the event.
Since I am taking primarily my clothing line,
I thought I had best concentrate on getting some things done. This full length lace jacket is not for everyone, but does wear beautifully.
I wear mine over a black camisole silk dress with little ballet slippers.

Although the neckline hasn't been finished and the overall piece will be tea stained,
You can still get a good feel for the overall effect.....
And that would definitely be GIRLIE.......

Combine that with a little lace woven handbag with jute fringe
And you have the perfect contrast.

Thanks for stopping by today...
I always love it when you come......

August 24, 2010

Goodness, Has it Been a YEAR?

What kind of Gammy would I be
If I didn't share my one year old Tatsey with the world. The cake is worth sharing in itself.
It was made by the same bakery that made my daughter's wedding cake.
Absolutely incredible.....and it matched the invitations perfectly.

It doesn't get any better than this....
I am so in love.

August 19, 2010

A Vintage Cue Ball, Candle Holder, & Locktite~Viola!

I've loved Locktite since I discovered it several years ago.
You can buy the 1 hour, 30 minute, 15 minute, 5 minute, or 1 minute formula.
I'm quick, but not that quick, so I use the 5 minute.
All I used for this project was a vintage cue ball I fell in love with.
No rhyme or reason....I just loved it.
A glass candle globe that had lost it's base.
And a pedestal plate of your choice.
Just adhere the cue ball to the bottom of the glass globe following the manufacturer's
Directions and wait five minutes.

Combine it with your favorite pedestal plate stand.....
Here I've used a painted silver plate one.

But I think
I like the antique pressed glass one the best.

Instant cloche stand.
Thanks for stopping by today.
I always love it when you come.

August 18, 2010

~~~~~~~Free is ALWAYS Good~~~~~~~

This piece of huge, solid wood furniture came to me.
I did not seek it out, however, I did not turn it down :)
I felt like with a little paint and some new knobs
I could make it makes you think that, you know.
Although I haven't put the new knobs on it yet
(It's going to have the big clear glass door knobs to balance out the scale of the piece)
I just had to show you what a difference can be made with paint.

Use your imagination for the knobs because they will really dress this piece up.

I also like
to put mirrors in front of mirrors when the surface is what I consider to be
Too breaks it up somewhat and gives the flat mirror a little more dimension.

I simply turned
two of my plate wall shelves upside down to
Create the double easel to hold
My Believe sign.
All in all, a productive 3 hours, I'd say :)
Free is Always Good!
Thanks for stopping by today.
I always love it when you come.

August 14, 2010

From THIS to THIS......

Saturday mornings start out pretty slow at the Shoppe, usually picking up around noon or so.
I always take advantage of the small amount of time I have to myself here
And try and get something accomplished.
This morning it was the completion of two little miniature lamp shades that were on
This antique lamp when I bought it.
Just waaaaay too plain for this girl!
They started out like this..... With the chosen blouse looking like this....

And in less than an hour, became this.

Don't they look great back on the lamp?

Just the right amount of girlie girlie I so love.

Have a great weekend...
And pray for rain and cool weather.
I want this summer to be OVER!

August 12, 2010

Updated Chandie from Antique Floor Lamp~Sweet!

I adore lighting....chandeliers, table lamps, floor doesn't matter.
The floor lamps, however, can always use a little updating to take them from "blah" to "ah hah".
All that is required is to remove the center light socket and rewire a taller candle socket in it's place.
It does require knowledge of rewiring lamps, but once you learn it is so easy,
And there is no limit on how you can convert other lamps, bringing them up to date. This one sports four of my little miniature lamp shades that were recently featured in Somerset Home.....along with the complete instructions for making them as well :)
I left the wiring structure the same where the lights could be turned on individually depending on how much light is actually needed.

Even though
it is a pole lamp, it has the look and feel of a little floor chandie with a lot more presence when fully lit....

Or not...

Then, of course,
there are more old doll heads. I love Steampunk doll art and can't wait to see where these girls lead me........

But first I have to finish LuLu's lace jacket.
I promised her it would ship this week!

Thanks for stopping by today...
I always love it when you come.