September 2, 2010

~~~~~~~It's A Fall Fashion Flurry~~~~~~

Or should that be "furry"?

I realize not everyone likes fur....and I could probably be put in that category as well.

However, I know there will always be people that do wear fur.

So, rather than create a new market for the pelts,

Why not recycle the beautiful fur that's already out there

That has been cast aside?

I have done exactly that with the new line of jackets

I am putting together with pieces I have come across at

Thrift stores and estate sales.

I personally feel it is more respectful of the animal

To use it than to simply throw it away like it's little life had no meaning.

And to "justify" it further,

I donate one half of my profits from the sale of

Any fur item to the Morris Animal Foundation.

If you are not aware of them, they do great work.

If you still can't wrap your brain around real fur,
There is always denim fur jackets as well.
A little different look, but still as much fun.
The denim works wonderful for this type creation
As it frays beautifully.

Then there's a little number I branched out with.
It's simply a jacket that has been embellished with
Laces and trims giving it a whole new look and feel.
I have this one simply hanging as I am trying to figure out what
Would look the best on the lapels.......these are my ruched velvet roses
That I would somehow like to incorporate into the jacket,
But I'm still "studying" this one.

Have a great day and let your mind run free.
Creating is such a liberating process.
Thanks for stopping by today,
I always love it when you come.

1 comment:

  1. You create the loveliest fashions. I really like fur but I packed mine away long ago afraid to wear it! LOL.
    So, recycling is good and I also love the denim jacket with all rag ruffles.



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