October 12, 2010

I'm Givin' Back Some Love~Fantabulous Giveway Here!

It seems when I first started blogging there were not
That many giveaways,
However, with ALL the blogs out there now
There is always something to win.....and it's all good stuff .
That why if you are going to host a giveaway these days,
It had better be a good one.
I hope everyone knows how much I enjoy their visits,
And even though I don't get to comment very often....
I do make the rounds and see the beautiful things you make,
The lovely thoughts you have,
And the triumphs and struggles you go through.
I don't know that everyone will be impressed with my offering,
However, it comes from my heart.....and from my hands.
One lucky person will receive a handmade altered creation from
Heart & Soul.....made just for them, and
Guaranteed to arrive before Christmas.
Shown are just a few of items made as special orders over the last year.
You can pick your color....or stay with all creme or white..
The choices are all yours.
These carry a retail value in my Shoppe of between $85 ~ $185, depending on style chosen. They are all one of a kind.....

Made with vintage materials.......

And as girlie as you get!

The drill is the same as always.
Simply comment on THIS post for one chance....
Comment and follow for two chances......
Blog about it and grab my giveaway button for FOUR chances.....
(just let me know, please)

AND if my followers get to 300.........
Well, I'll add another prize that's just as cool!

I so love to blog and have met some incredible people along the way.
I enjoy what everyone is doing and am amazed daily at the wonderful talent I see.
I just often wonder what "us girls" ever did without this
Wonderful cyber support system we have created....
I know I don't want to find out.
I adore each of you and thank you so much for hanging in here with me....
Through the good, the bad, and the ugly

Now, c'mon and show me some bloggin' love and win one of my
Fantabulous sweaters....:)
Deadline for entry is November 27th.....
(and pass the word)


  1. How beautiful! And just my style! Pick me Pick me!


  2. Oh I love it! Everything is so beautiful and just my style!


  3. Well, this posting put a big smile on my face......sign me up.....you know I love everything you create!

  4. Oh Jana, how very generous of you my friend!

  5. You have such gorgeous lucious pieces, who could pick something??? I'd want ALL of them!!
    I'd love to be the winner though, so please add my name to your giveaway. Blessings, Doni

  6. I'm also having a giveaway so if you'd like to drop by and join me I'd be honored! I'm one of your happy followers!!

  7. Wow Jana,
    What a wonderful giveaway!!! I would love to be the owner of one of your lovely designs. I can't imagine being lucky enough to win one!

    I have followed your blog for quite awhile now and I love it. You are so right, what did we do before this amazing support from the bloggerettes came into our lives!

    You are inspiring and so beautiful.


  8. Oh Goodness Jana this is an awesome giveaway!! How very sweet of you - I have been so wanting a pretty jacket in this style and wouldn't it be fun to win one!! I have been a long time happy follower of yours!


  9. I'm so excited! I've always wanted one of your sweaters but could never afford one. I hope I win ^^

    I am a [loyal] follower, of course.

  10. And just wanted you to know the button is now added~

  11. WOW.....is all I can say as I drool on my keyboard!!!! What a wonderful giveaway. I just love everyone of them.

    Im a follower too.

    As soon as I post to my blog I will be back to let you know.....no one should miss this!!


  12. Hi,
    Thanks for stopping by, I'm glad you like my new/old birdcage.
    Looks like a wonderful giveaway!!
    Happy weekend,

  13. OMG!!! This is just a most fabulous and VERY generous giveaway you are having!!!! Yes please do enter my name in the hat for this..oh I'm keepin' my little fingers, toes, etc crossed for this one :)

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  14. I have now put your giveaway button on my sidebar :) Good luck everyone!!!

  15. Oh my goodness! I have to win one of these! I just think they are the prettiest things ever!!!! I will follow you and put you on my sidebar! Love it sweet friend!

  16. How exquisite and breathtaking, Jana! What a talent you have. Thanks for a lovely giveaway and chance to win such a treasure!
    Best wishes,

  17. I'm a follower, too, Jana. All I can say is WOW, it would be marvelous to have one of your fantabulous sweaters! I thank you sincerely for the chance to win it & this lovely giveaway!
    Best wishes,

  18. I know how wonderful it is to have one of your designs so please stick my name in the magic hat so I can have a chance to try to win!

    I just got back from my big show in New Jersey so now I can relax and catch up on my favorite Blogs!


  19. What a wonderful giveaway and someone will have the bless Christmas ever if they win. I am now following your blog, I am so so jealous of your talent.


  20. Please include me in your giveaway, I don't have a blog of my own would I will gladly spread the word about your wonderful blog and giveaway


  21. Gorgeous giveaway!! thank you

    please enter my name.


    barbara jean

  22. Happily following and LOVE your re-use of vintage materials. Simply stunning!

  23. I can hardly stand it, this is So awesome Jana, I had always wanted one of your gorgeous sweaters.. I"m hoping so much to get one of these for sure. I'm also a follower too. Wow, this is so nice of you!


  24. Hi Jana...gee I've been meaning to leave a comment for two days now...so little time these days. Thanks for the chance to win.
    Good luck with the show tomorrow! wish I could be there.

  25. You are SO talented! I'd love to win! Thanks for the giveaway.

  26. Blessings Jana, what an awesome and fabulous giveaway! Put my name in the hat too!


  27. I added your giveaway button to my blog!


  28. Thanks for a chance at some of your BEAUTIFUL altered clothing. I love reading your blog. I posted your giveaway button and blog link on my blog. Good luck with your giveaway.

  29. I'm new at this so don't know if I've done it right. I love your pics. and would love to win.
    thanx billi

  30. Lets see if I can win this lovely giveaway.

  31. Well a Jillian people will probably enter, but I'm putting my name in anyway. =)

    Your place is always a delight to visit. Thank you for all the love and support you send out to others.

    barbara jean

    PS LOVE that all cream one you made.

  32. Blessings Jana

    I just wanted to let you know that I'm doing a giveaway also and I have blogged about your giveaway along with mine.


  33. Ooh, ooh - pick me! Pick me! Love you for this awesome chance! Hugs!

  34. Ooooo---*drool*

    I'm a follower (you're on my "Cosy Pages" page here: http://hedgewitchhollow.blogspot.com/p/cosy-pages.html). :D

  35. What beautiful creations-wouldn't I love to get my hands on one of them!


  36. follower #187 ! happily & to have discovered you via brenda's shabby cats & roses..

  37. these are absoLuTelY LoVely creations!
    it's a wonderful giveaway &
    your generosity is too :) THANK YOU!
    i'd LUV to wear this for Christmas - WoW!!

  38. Hello! I found you off the Faded Charm Blog /White Wednesday Feature, and I'm glad I did. Just Followed you via Google Friend Connect.

    Your sweaters are awesome, such a great way to reinvent Vintage Treasured Style, I love it! I could totally picture myself (with the right dress) or anyone (with any dress, Lol) adding a special Romantic & Shabby Chic look to a Special Night on the Town.

    You're so generous with the Give-away, and Good luck!

  39. Your work is absolutely one of a kind and so lovely.
    I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed you pick me
    Thanks for the chance

  40. I am now your newest follower but can not understand why I have not found your before today. Lovely site and giveaway

  41. Just now put your lovely giveaway on my sidebar.
    Looking forward to getting to know you

  42. How beautiful - I would love to wear something this fun on my Christmas Day birthday!

  43. Jana, what sweet creations you have. And your shop looks fantastic, I'd love to be able to browse through it someday, just the kind of place I could spend hours delighting in every detail. I'm a new follower of yours, please add me to your generous giveaway.

  44. I'm a new follower!!!

    best regards,
    Wanda C.


  45. I LOVE your creations!!!
    What a wonderful giveaway!!!
    best regards,


  46. Absolutely gorgeous!

    pippirose59 at gmail dot com

  47. So very beautiful... something to dream about! i am also a follower. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thank you, Linda

  48. I'm just new to your blog from Shabby Cats and Roses. I've been following links all day, and just can't stop. So I'd love to win your give-away. I owned a Tea Shop for 10 years, met so many, many wonderful people (as I'm sure you have) that I have kept as special friends. Some of them and I have formed a Royal Court of Tea Sisters. We often have Tea, and dress the part. How I would love to surprise them by wearing this. Who knows, I may even share it, as we do hats. I'll be back for more of your blog.

  49. I don't know how I missed this give-away Jana but glad I found it before it's too late. I'm a long-time follower. ;)

  50. Oh my, I am so glad you reminded us about entering your giveaway in your last post. I had thought that I had already entered but I don't see my comment. I am a follower of your blog and would just love to win your giveaway.

  51. Oh My Gosh...
    What a beautiful share sweet friend. Please add my name into the hat. I am drooling just thinking about owning one of your creations. They are so exquisite and would make any woman feel like a million bucks for sure.

    Thank you for the wonderful opportunity. Country hugs and much love, Sherry

  52. Oh Jana Sweetie...
    And I forgot to add, I am also a long time follower. You are so delightful.

    Happy Thanksgiving Sweet Friend. Many hugs, Sherry


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.