November 10, 2010

Self Discovery is a Wonderful Thing!

Last post I shared the fact that I realized I was indeed a "glass person"
After rearranging the Shoppe and discovering tons and tons in various areas.
This week it has been a new realization, and that is........
I have alot of vintage and antique baby "stuff".
I decided to group it all together as it should be for display and have
One whole corner completely full.
There is a vintage portacrib and sweet little wooden table and chairs...

And antique highchairs, rockers, and cribs stacked to the ceiling.
Right next to the hand painted mural of me when I was a little girl.......
What better place for her to be.....

The display case is full of bronzed shoes, leather high tops, and baby booties.
Along with vintage gloves and antique silver spoons and horsehair combs and brushes.

You just
have to get up close and personal with this precious vintage corduroy coat....
With a faux fur muff, of course!

An armoire full of antique and vintage baby dresses.....absolutely adorable.

Doesn't it all just melt your heart!

Self discovery is a wonderful thing,
And getting to play with it everyday is so much fun.
Also, don't forget about my Fantabulous Giveaway where someone is
Going to win a one of a kind Altered Couture sweater from my
Heart & Soul line of clothing.
Haven't heard about it?
Well, enter
Thank you for stopping by today....
I love it when you come :)


  1. Hi Jana,
    I often find myself gravitating to vintage baby things. I love the old cribs, high chairs and clothes. Your baby area is so sweet and that little corduroy coat reminds me of one I wore.

    I just wish I could shop in your beautiful place.


  2. know I am all about anything "baby" right now. That area looks so-o sweet, Jana! Just love your pictures!


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.