November 24, 2010

Way Behind the Mark on This One & Happy Thanksgiving

I know everyone has been creating crowns for over a year now and
That I'm way behind the mark in even thinking about putting one together.
But when I saw this piece, something just clicked and
I knew I had to take a stab at making one of my own.
Do you know what this is?
It's a sterno holder for a pot of some sort....... But all I saw was this when I picked it up.
So it is on it's way to becoming my first crown attempt.
Still want to add some definite bling,
And a few other things,
But it's a good start, I think.

Will probably be my one and only.....
You don't run across old sterno burners everyday around here.

Hope you will take a minute to make sure you have entered my
Fantabulous Giveaway Here.
It ends November 27th, and I would love to have you.

I hope your Thanksgiving is filled with wonderful food, friends & family.....

I know mine will be.

Thanks for stopping by,
I always love it when you come!


  1. What an eye! Turned out very regal and beautiful! Happy Thanksgiving!


  2. Hi Jana!
    I love it. It is fit for a Queen!


  3. Hi Jana, stopping by to wish you a very happy Thanksgiving!!

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

    PS ~ love the crown!!

  4. A crown fit for any queen! A sterno pot?! I love it, Jana!

  5. Before I even scrolled down to see teh other pictures I knew it was going to be a crown and you outdid yourself! It's beautiful!



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