December 3, 2010

I Got Lucky Today.........

This morning I ran errands as I often do before coming to the Shoppe.
One was to Joanns to pick up scrap booking paper for cones and tags.
If I had only found this stash before my jaunt into the store, I could have save a few dollars.
Now, I consider myself lucky in that people often just give me things or
Leave them by my front door anonymously.

I am always appreciative and grateful.

But I'm not one to find many things "on the curb".....or should I call it "designer roadkill".
But this morning was quite different.
I was fortunate enough to be the first one by this huge stack of ten wallpaper
Sample books.....all gorgeous designs and perfect for so many of the projects I do.
Needless to say, I couldn't turn around fast enough to load them in my SUV...
And I'm pretty sure I have a lifetime supply :)
These are just a few of the beautiful patterns I found in a couple of the books.
There are hundreds and hundreds of patterns, colors, and borders.
I'm like a kid in a candy store!!

Thanks for stopping by today,
You know I love it when you come!


  1. Oh my word......I am swooning over all that paper! Eeeeeeeek! You are one lucky gal!


  2. Lucky is definitely right! I love the patterns...can't wait to see what you do with them!


  3. Oh What a lucky day for you today, they are just wonderful. Think of all the beautiful creations you can do with those. Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for sharing. Terri

  4. What wonderful finds, Jana! I cannot wait to see how you use them in your art!

  5. Hope you share the outcome of your find. Those are GREAT!

  6. gorgeous paper. No end to creative things you can do with those!


    barbara jean

  7. What a great find. I love wallpaper sample books, there are so many beautiful designs on thick, often embossed or flocked paper, with beautiful edges on the wallpaper borders. I'm sure you'll do some wonderful things with these.

  8. I had to smile when I read this. I had some great sample books from my friends store that I got 5 yrs ago. I decided to throw a few out and then after it dawned on me that I could use them for wrapping the mags I sell instead of using my good scrapbook paper. Thank goodness I hadn't thrown them ALL out.

    Does that make me a hoarder? haha

    Can't wait to see what you do with them.

  9. OMG!! Those papers are just breath taking!!

    Lucky you!!

    Debbie @ A Debbie-Dabble Christmas

  10. Jana, they are just beautiful, love the bird one. Can't wait to see what you do with them
    Many Blessings


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