January 12, 2011

It's Good to Go..........

With the holidays over, the cleaning has begun.
I won't bring in any new merchandise until after the 50% off sale this Saturday,
But I still believe in "shakin' it up", moving it around, and making it look it's very best.
I realized I had slacked off a little after the holidays when one of my very good customers
Ask me if she could do some "tablescapes" around the Shoppe.
I wasn't sure whether to be offended, or appreciate the help,
I told her in my defense it had been a really busy, very good December and
I was getting ready to fluff that very week.
She persisted and told me she would be honored to help me.....
However, as she was leaving she also said "maybe we could do a trade"......
I took it upon myself this week to start the process myself.
Even though the sale is this weekend and it will be totally destroyed.......
I did it.
This is just one corner of the Shoppe......
Probably accounts for less than one sixth of the total footage.
Can you see my dilemma now.
This is no easy task and not just a day's project. I threw in a couple of new "tablescapes" just for her.

And didn't leave out the pink either.....

There was also time for just a little Valentines........

If you
are local, I hope you will stop by Saturday.
We are extending our hours, opening at 9am until 5pm.
Only Heart & Soul merchandise and consignments
Are Excluded........
There's also hot Godiva coffee and homemade cookies.
Come on over.......I'd love to have you!


  1. Love that chandelier and that birdcage! Glad someone is cleaning and fluffing!

  2. I think your shop looks wonderful. I'm always a little leerie of customers who offer to fluff up or improve the looks of the shop or a booth. It's like they are saying they can do it better. Not sure about the offer to trade.
    Sounds like you handled it well.

    Good luck with your sale.


  3. I would be so happy puttering around in your shoppe all day long. Eye Candy!!!!

    I am off to send you an email....I spy something....



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