February 27, 2011

It's Coming Right Along........

I have wanted a pergola for as long as I have owned my building,
However, it has never been at the top of the list as there is always so much else
To do or the money is gone when we have the time.
This weekend it all started to happen.
Not only did I get the iron columns for my birthday,
I was also able to scrounge some wonderful wood from a building being torn down.
I am never afraid to ask for something that I know can be recycled....and it worked.
As my sweet man and his carpenter friend worked on the framework of the pergola,
I took advantage of the beautiful weather to finish the mural I started four years ago.
I couldn't leave because I was the "go to" guy.
They didn't much care about my opinion, but every time they needed
Something, I got to "go to the store, the warehouse, the shop, or car" to get it...
Hence, the "go to guy". Alot of "junk" had to be disrupted to make room for all the supplies,
But it will be cleaned and perfect before the March 12 Le' Pre'miere Event.
I'm one happy "go to guy"

So much more to do, but it's coming right along.


  1. Good evening, Jana,
    It looks like you are making fantastic progress...and the best part that the materials are recycled!

    Best wishes for a wonderful week. ~Natalie

  2. That area is really taking shape! I love your mural, Jana! I cannot wait to see the picts when all is done and all the wonderful sale items are in place!


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.