February 15, 2011

No Smoking, Please.......

You might wonder what smoking has to do with this sweet hat stand.
Well, it was once a floor ashtray, albeit, a fancy one with the marble and brass.
Still, it was an ashtray.
I was able to invert the original ashtray "bowl" (after cleaning thoroughly of course)
And covered it with a sweet Victorian lace doily with under padding.
It stands about 24" tall so is a beautiful statement to that favorite hat of yours. And then there's the crosses.
I mentioned them in a previous post and
Had several questions regarding them.
Because I am making about 15 of them and
Will grout them all at once, using a dark colored grout.
I thought I would go ahead and show the design of the cross
Since it might be a while until they are totally completed.
They, too, are quite substantial measuring 22" tall.

All inventory being prepared for the upcoming March 12 Le' Pre'miere Quarterly Event.
Thanks for stopping by today....
You know I love it when you come.


  1. Jana....the crosses are going to be amazing when you are done....I see your vision for these with the dark grout...LOVELY!


  2. You are so wonderfully creative! I love your ideas.

  3. Jana,
    Great idea with the ashtray, and it is lovely.

    Yes, I did just get the lovely top you made, full of fluff and frills.

    I will wait to model it till I get an undergarment to wear with it, or till I get my mannequin back from my granddaughter.

    Top is a bit big, but I think I can take a tuck in it to fix it.

    Thank you so much for your beautiful work!

    barbara jean


Your comments mean alot to me......thank you for sharing.